tOs-Hs* are -final! Dutch garrifons, -as advanced guards to proteft -the 'Spice
jIsies. Jflands. JBoutan is probably ilill t uLed by .a Mahometan Sultan. ,
V . .T he - Spice I s l a n d s , i n cludin-g t-he M-ohjgcAsS. .
T h e Moluccas, originally and ' ftriftly fo termed, are only five Mall
iflands on the IfjWF of* Gilolo, nanlely ^TETiNAJT, TirDORE, MbTTR,
M a r ia n * and ©AKiAN,br Ba t c h iAN:,#115tit as the Icings of’the Moiuc-
cas have-poffeffed-territory inGilolo-, and otfref adjacent lflesi'’&r?d*as>the
term Moluccas^ confidered as fynonymous with that of Spiqe JJl'ands;*ehe
.appellation lias -bee»-extended. The1 Treri'ch .'ge^grkphets'tdiftihgtiifli
them iMo Grandes dt Pefitcs Moluques; and the Moluccas-of’D’Amdlle,
as-ringed to his map o fA fia, Include all the # t o 8rnntf&tf9cridatal
archipelagOj texcept thofe o f Sunda, and the ^Philippines ; hut. thisf ex-
tenfion foi^je&idnable, P le ad in g , to-vague ideas &nd cohfnfed d e scription,
and itfeemspreferitble, as above-ment-i’ctoUdi'’'t#rncladBiu'nder
theUSme o f Spice IfliMs; thofe fromlMortayih tfifiTfJ. ttr-Bknda in
the & j jfcdTrom Myfol in the E. to Borneo arid-Oubriiv the’W. Thus
the chief Spice Iflands will be G i l olg, G er am , aiid- Bori&o:,nfftth
M o r t a j , Oubi, M ysox, B ouro,* that -of. tAMBQ-yNAf andphe
group o f B a n d a , with fuch fmall nearer t®»thefe,
<hah to the Celebezian group, Or Sumatran chdto r M^h^defQrijlMn
nreTpecially'incIudcd the five celebrated ifles, originally an<fc peculiarly
termed the Moluccas. .
C3t>lo. G i l o l o :is o f confiderable.extent; hut in the irregularity of form
fiinilar to Celebez.. The; length is about #30 B. mflep'; the- breadth of
each limb feldom above 40. , The flieres are low : the interior rifes to
high peaks, perhaps o f granite, and it feems doubtful whether banks
-of coral can, as conceived, ever cohftitute alafting ifle, though they
may form low and perifhable ones, or enlarge tbofe already-fixed on
the ufual bafjs. Gilolo. is faid to have been once governed by,lone
iovereign, a flieref from Mecca ; but the Sultans of Ternat and Tidore
*6 Pigafetta, %6j*
* Jji the intern forefe pf all thefe iflands the fpice trees abpund, See Stavorku$, & 4n*
K e r n
feem now to fliare this large ifle betwixt them, the former pbffeffing
theMorthern ^part witb Mdrtay, B a k to , Motfr/and fome Celebezian
nfles^arfd part of Papuw; 'UMle’Ah'Sdttafi ©fTi’dorfc holfetbe fouthern
‘part, pith^MyMl', 'and ‘&Mfe '‘dthet ifles.‘r This circutaftahce adds’’to
the- ptoprietyVef-, k clUdmf'GiMb' in the fame ddbription with the
' Mofotcas. -Ghe'df the-Chief tOiwhsds Taknay, fituated on’a point or
ffmaff promontory ofthe-eaftem Mb', faced with precipices, fo as to be
only 'icceflibfe by ladders;1‘-'This* ifle'- abounds with^psen-, buffaloes
'goats, deer’- and’Wild h o g s b u t the Ibefep afe few. The bread fruit is
frequent in Gil6lo$“with trip Tagb tree: and-there afe'probably cloves
and nutmegs^lA ^itfe‘o f the Dutch eradication, which is defeated by
‘the'^erjr'birds- o'f'fh-e air’' while'katirte' loudly csiekrths agaihft the >ih-
' faUloils' aftdmpts’o f avarice*‘to reftridt '.her %riiinties.'s • The natives are
induftrious, particularly in weaving,* but their’ exertions are fuppreited
by Batavian jealoufy.
Ceram is"atfothet ?ifland of confiderablelfrze, being about jno
B, miles indferigth/by' 40 in breadth ; low towards'- the fhafe, but with
inland mountains.*-- Mr. ForCeft ipCciallyr -mentions that ;Ceram produces
CJove Irees; and there are large forefts of - the fag© tree1,-which
forms, a confiderable article of export: yet this large ifland has been
little explored, • abd is almoft unknown.
As in geographical delcriptiOfl the fize of an ifla-nd is a leading feature,
the next 'foeritioned niuft be Bouro, about miles in length, by
'5b'in breadth. This ifle was nominally fifbjeQ: to the Mng of Ternat;
but in iririo the Dutch built a fort, and, though they burned the exterior
woods, feem to have’improved the induftry of the inhabitants.'“
The civet weafel is found tierC,’ and fh^'ChltbUs hog called ba’birouffa.
The ifle of Bouro rifes fuddenfy froiri a deep fra,' being.encompaffed' dsd
With.a.wall. The interior mountains are fo lofty that they may fome-
^l^fehe deferied at the .diftance of twenty-eight leagues^ * A green
«bony„j:and a kind of iron woo’d, are mentioned among the trees;
Msnddflo, 1.404, clafle« cloves among tliep^q^ufts p f Gild»,
'a Pennant, iv. 174. ■ ~
11. 3 N and