B-eRMWAj. which they trade to North America and the Weft Indies, lit would appear
that thefe remote ifleswere uninhabited when- fettled by the'.'Bng-.
li£h, but a good hiftory and defcription of the Bermudas might-afford a
additiont©-thesgeografsbieXl library«: • MrvMorfedays tbait the
blacks, are here twice as 'ntimerous as the whites ;• and that a greSt'part
of their trade confifts- in carryingfait to America. * The women are laid
to. be; handfome, and both fexes fohd'of.drefs, whifihds pbiffi^8r'|hore
laudable than the oppOfitehxtfeme.*
“ *' From tie chartLbf Lempriere, 1797,Itappears,tliat the largeft ifland called Bermuda refembles
ahdok, the great found-frontingthe north. The length is about 35 g miles, the breadth feldom
.two... The other ifles are St. George’s, St. David’s, and Sommerfet j with feveral iflets, and numerous
rocks., They are alfo frequented by whale-fifhers.
U N G O N Q T I E R E D "G O tJ N T R IËS.
THE arran^êmeflt- éythis divifio^t ^aU\chièËynp.uffue tKê'orfe^ól
the ^diïcoveiie^'feoih’ the éaft towards '^fe^weftl 'On thisfplajl
GfVéhland'ÏÉ'alI he'fell'öV/ed By'La'fr&dbr, 'alnd thh tèrrifory 'Belonging
th ing Hudfon’s Bay Company. Some account piay'be‘then giFen of
the central parts and tribes; yditeK fhall be /ollqwdd by the discoveries
of the weftèrn coaft and iflaftds by the Ruffians, Cook, Vancouver, La
Peroufé, and Other1 navigators, and'by the latè ènterprizihg tranréllef
G r e e M l a j v n .
1 difoovèty of th&’èxiéMv# rëgroni :^btgbi ^Kth^flfcOhffllehtaE
or rinffilar, mult ,ever continue to be regarded as,,belonging-to Norths
America, has been already mentioned as* havingbêm effi&ed by the
people' of * teekfcnd in'thë^tbhth’cèhtury ;r thd dift ah ce| a cte Ord ih g ië ' th’e’
beft map§,f)émg?aBfrut;j eight degfëës oFfoh^tndi 'ih laf, f6-qf hr nékrly*
ad&:p :milès JfÓfajt fomè mapsrèdu^It to fi^ë-dègrreis| or{ifo#M<i$eiMahJ
i jb gi'haites.* ' The .
The induftrious Tprfaeus,,in his Grocnlandia Antiqua, has. ;cqllê&e;d .every, memorial .that coutdi -
he found concerhingancient Greenland, and..has ihuftrated J:h§ Danirti fettlements with a map in '
whch the neareft coaft is fuppofed to be at leaft 200 g miles,, fr^m,.Iceland, and ^llijiguiftied by
the löftiy mountains-called. Hvitferk and Blaferk. I t ,was reported in the; old' accpujats that the
mountain-Sfloefèll in Iceland, and Hvitferk in G;reenland;.ipoufd be fcen from-the middle of this.
.'.JSV h r 4, M . , .channel'.;''’