■ .. H U D S O N ’S..t BA Y.
- T he inland fea commonly c a l l g d , s Bay was explored in
JÓ ija - .a iid ^ charter for planting and improving the co u n try ,, and carrying.
onrtrade, was granted to:.a company in .1670.... ;The.HpdfonV
Bay Company has fince retained a claim to ,moft extenfive territories,’
on the weft, fouth, and eaft, of tha t inland fea, fuppofed to. extend from-
70° to 115 °, and allowing the degree only th irty miles, the length, will
ho-1270 g. miles, and the medial -breadth about 350. This vaft extent;
oft ice and fnow is however pf little' confequence conftdcred 1 m itf e lf ;
and it is not underftood that' the-company gain great wealth. An able
writer has alfo defended them .againft the invidious charge of obftruö-
ing- geographical knowledge for the fake o f .eothmeict»! tmohopolyd
The journey of Mr. Hearneifs indeed.aimaniffift though i&nflpPPtf of
the contrary. The. annual exportsareahoutf, 1 ö^oódI^ and sthiejreturns,
which yield a cehfiderable revenue
5%qqoL T h e North-weft Company, lately teftabUihed? a t .^Montreal,
has alfo confidfrably redpced., th e profits4 1 ; t e ^ a É t , e ^ u i r y J n |f f ^ ^ e
<^thi^cQjnpany nap d o f the ir t^ritopies*; might ifie? I fb ’
portance* ;and Ejügbp » p e th ^ .j^ td in ip r o y e p ^% |n lh f J$$de of;
c o n d u c in g the conimerce, and deriving every polEM? a dYWf-aSS * m
thefe extenfixp territories and,feas. T h e ^ a b liftim en t re,
called forts, and w h ich fometimes contain fmajl garrifons, and .otfier. peculiar
cwcumftancea* feem more adapted to j h £ powefs;-o^iaj ^f|p^|^ciaL
company, than of private traders ; an d eyen fhe example and fuccefs of
th e North-weft Company feem to authorize th a t of Hudfon’s Bay,
But they ought; ftriftly to attend to the character of their feryants, who,
as Mr. Cartwright obferves, will fometimes kill an Indian in Jjjgf^fnce
to a deer.
T h e regions around Hudfon’s Bay, and th a t o f L a b ra d o r have, by a
miferable compliment to the parent country, been fometimes called New
Britain, a name not admitted in French or Englilh maps. The parts on
the weft o f Hudfon’s Bay have alfo bee.u called New .North and South
5 Introduction to Cook’s laft Voyage.
Wales 3
W ile s; wh|ile*thai onttbe-gaft isfftyl^dtEtrfteJN^frt. In theTdirth; Jameses H xi'vab&i
Bay Wretches -inland i ahoui t t y m tmiiesjfcytdbcfub i^e»iin .‘breadth^; and BM»,S
the ffloft valuabkifettlhmentsikEeiki ;that vkinitypa'slAlhany fp rtj Moofe
f y n p i n d >Shft M a i* ftt&Qryiyi Further WJpfU’ foistli, ’Staid? a a Ith e eorffinee
ef U p p e r Canada*, i&rfe -Br.unfwi'ek .h©iafb| j-Frederick! h€^tifer] aAdifferas
eth'erSi, wfitchy pfe#aps,’&<ifeT5£?fo theNo»fe-w<Sft Company: .-I-b th e iw th *
SeveJJrf hdiifetis at the- moi?th'>ofu -hfrgeyfi vdrj wsMeh> feemsttO, fijow' friant
the; lake f erf Winnipia - YOrklM-h' hands’* r-i^fea?y ’and?flill;f# 4 -
ther m the Msfcfeh;is ’Ghurehif^foft^'yffeliillShmst th« furthdft"|lltleineat
t<bat‘di>rection.* To-thei^ft % HiMfon’^B^<fo@&pany Ihafd
tended little further than HudfdA’^ ?hd|MewhiiefthdtfopiJji^lfl^iri^'oF) >
the.'Northsweft company haRtp^ly^^^aj^ged. ri-^hfc. '
moft important riyejfs,are thfr N,dlfoajfpr^Sg%afhayyqL,nnrj Y‘;
thereomparafi^e courfe,pf the. lajtter feameI^^c-e^n^£jo B. ‘MjleMbuit
oftgreftf breadth and (depth, r In the .fopth. the Albany^jSjtofc^ Abig|ri ’
3nd,Fjarrieana,are the.(raoft cop^ej^le 3 hp,t all the riyers^te.Impede,4
with' falls and- fhoals. Near that lingular inlet called' Gheftmtkd,there
aremapy-lakes, hut'the bar bar ops name^woulfi. neither? edify nor enter-;
tain;the:'neader j nor is.it likeJythat they jhoujd eyerfhfcpme memq^aS'fe''
imnatural or civijihbftory. The fpa(of Hudfopjtcotnme^ily -prefect's boItT^*”
roclsylhp^s;; .hfog at_ ^te^viltij ther^ ape; marlhes, and l^rge, fi^ichea.
There are feveral, hjghj ifland?, riie„largefi. of which ip the4 nortfi, n ls 1'-
been little pxplorqd ; and ip whapis palled Baffi'n’s Bay fudi a %%
exifl)* fome. maps andj c'har^ admit\ very.large, central ifland^tled
James Ifland, which others entirely reject*
Even in lat. 570 tpe wint^s .are extremely fevere p the fee'oTthe
riye^ij|.{eight feet thick, and brandy[Ctjagp^ates^ T^e rocEhtlrll with a
horriblerrnoife, e^ual tp,sth?t of heavy „artillery« an4 t^Iplintefe1'are
thrown to an amazing diftance.6 Mockfutxs^ a'nd;hlToe‘sj aVe not li'nffe-
^ueat j ‘ahd the fun rifes‘hnd fets with a largiiccMdr of yellowilh light» ’
* was b a il toft?t-ji It is sdfoKdalW’-Eoitf BSalBe.c^f^fei
, The boundary between the 'Hudfbn’s Bay Compnnr anti Cauatla Is .underftobt}'. t o t h e
«dge that gives fource1 to the rtvers! flowing. N. and S. as far,asiakeiAnhjjiegj %hence. lat. 49-? " ■'
‘ Pennant, A. Z. ccxcvi.
s. The