668 S>Q-U T II AM 1 i y C A»
aajfgft$q fa^hogis- gjgg&gggfë$ te« or twelve jB&fp$t aqd ^veraj^^ets;
but-thje water, though npt faline, ia narufcous, being pro^gbJy t^in|^d
witb folphur or bkpmeQj Jt contains fwo kin^ offilh, and:|g,freq,uent-
ed by geeft and wild fowl. In an ifle of this lake hlangp Capac, fhe
founder ef the Peruvian monarchy, reported that the-, fun,_ his, jfgther,
had placed hhnr, with his filler, ancj qpnfqrt} CjellQ^ an^j^e a tipple
wa§ dedicated to thpfun, the moft fplent^id^n^h? kingdom, and
decorated with plates of gold and filler. .Op, the.Sp^nifh iq|^on
thefe trqAfnroR are laid ro have heeq thrpwa, ig^tlie la^e.5
A few fip# lakes are foiled peaf tfee epurfe .of ;thg r Parana, ; pd
there pe two large lagoons on the eaftprn coaft,Jat. 310 $3^ / APQ$f^d3
theS* of ^here are lome la^es of
with the river of Sauzes, or Willows, one;of them bejng called the lake
of the Tehpris: and a few fmall lakes furtljéf to^h^ S. ^re^falme, a
wideextent of territory befog impregnated with nitre.
, The riyer ofAmazons, fp qalled from a fem^le'tribejmufe^ tq arms,
difeovered on its banks by the firft navigators, but more, properly
by a native term tire Maranon, is celebrated as the moft. |liftinA^ ed
Aver, not only in South America, bot in the whole .world : and thissre-
putation is no dpubtxuft when its-magnitude is;,confid4ered, as-wéllLas
its length. For in the latter attribute it fpems-to be rivalled by ?thjb Kian
Jyu of China, and perhaps by the Oh of.Siberia, as already feWllained
in dicuffipg the epurfe of the Miffouri^ when it foas.obftrvqd that, jj>n
the comparative fade of merely tracing thecourfe by an accurate map,
and allowing for the great changes of direction, the length mightljp
eilimatcd at about 330P miles ; and that of the Rio de la Pdata||Bout
1900 : but the elluary of the Ob is frozen, and that of the Kian Ku
cannot exceed a mile or two ih breadth, while the Wo grand AtKffican
fivers are of fmpnlfog magnitude. The Chinefe^ annals fay that their
great rivers have been confined by art, while' in ancient times they inundated
whole provinces, like the Maranon.
The voyage of' Gondamfoe contain^ the moft .accurate defcriptKi
which has yet appeared of this grand river/ The foiirce P^fot
t -Uljoa î; ,63, or Tome i. 534, of the Trench tranflation. .
• Relation abrégée d’un Voyage fait dans l’interieur de l’Amerique Meridionale, Pans,
17-45, 8vo. yet
S O ,u T II AME R r e A. 66 g
■ yet absolutely., afcertaiiled. * T^elpefehrated 'ï^athbfeiatician juft quoted, Rivers.
fays, tfyat the Ucajal'is the chief ft re a m, ïuSfiéj: s' 'fore mbfe/remt>te
than thofe of the foppoTedr Maranon ; and it il?»a‘c'cmfi'd’éFabiel' river *frt
the farne parallel, when tne bini|ftai|J-y a torrent.7' OiTthfe other
hatjd tj?e Maranon malteA a greater e*uiL‘ and kf qf %ktrlfoidfriary'
depth./ ^According tq- Ultoa'tjie. MaraTO^®^^frqm/theflajge of Lap-'
ncQc-ha, pear the city of Girinuco, SfTahtFiu, whence it direalfite^cunfe'
then bends eaft through the country 6f
Juaxa, wbqte, after falhtig from fifpfiAnue% it pafteVN.
tq the cjty qf Jaeti.* ft .proec'ctK iii its fern?; djfogrcfe tovfa'ds -
thé' kaft ; and jofos ,the‘ AtlanStfir aftpr
ings,qf. 1 rpöjeagu^o^gQÖdmilesi, aTm dountf,, whethef'¥h‘e
Ucaial mqft not be ïegarded'As .tne principaf ftfearn. ' In rae^affianlq;
mappfLa Gruz, vyh^t he ca'^s''the, apeient MafanonVqrkFaïi, (^rpeipobds
with the deferiptipn pf Ulloa; bqt feedves" the^ Apurimacf^k river of
far longer cqurle, rifing near the town qf Arequ'ipa, on ,the weft of the
g£ea| lake of Titicaca, 'S. lat. ï'6? Qq'. ^ I f this' reprerêntóifoh rbé juftj
there is po doubt that the Apurio?ao JS the original and propër’ river of
Amazops 5 apd fcp.th of thefe Xpufces' Belong io tHel5qArA£.' r ïhe new
Maranon, according to La Cruz'- rifts indeed frpm the lalce* of üaüri-
cqcha,yiear t,he fpurpe of the Pari; but rpns'N. W. inftead of paffing v
fopth, ,'as JJlIoa fujmofes, by confounding the old,and* nfrw Maranon,^
and the Jake of Lauricocfra with that or Chinchaj, a fqw miles to the
foi}th,fwkiph J3*.^ gW9s Xptytqe tq the Pari. Thefe! improvement's ^ ih ■
the geqgraphyXeem to.eftablilh beyond all doqbt, -that_the Ucaial, from
its remqt.eft branch the Apurimac, rquft be regardedps.the genuine Ma-
ranop; while the ri,v,er called the New Maranqn (mr thé,name towards
its foujrce is omi,tted),i| of far ^aotjer courfe, and was only ftyled the Ma-
ranonifrom a miftake in fouqt^ip.. In the rqap of La Cruz, though
th| cqurfe of the Ucaial be mopp direift,it, ampu|it^toXfybpi}^fé^^nt6en
degrees .atii|s; jun£tjon with the fuppofed Maranon, which öaay be cllled
the river qf LautlfiOcha* j ysfhile tfie latter does not exceed fourteen degrees
and a half.
ybllSBraR®) I '■ . ( 8 iUlloa,iw.^6.5.or'i. 307, French translation.' '
. f Ulloa exprefsly ufes this name, i. 366, in contradiftinftion to the Ucaial.
1 I I ....... The.