ÜÈ N A T I V E * T R-’I B £ f r l ’A'ïf'B
families might be redüiSéd't@*‘fi^eï'öï fiM'gfëat^dêiiëéiïftatSotts,-Éif has
beeft* rééèhtly1'' effected in arranging the tf-Mïhs of'Sibéfï&v Tc1 wMS’hettéved
irhaf-t^tóani èöQ^öëd:a<i:oiifldêi,a.bJe jÖÖhBf^t^S’aéiéls tód tQwne; %ut
on the éêhtraty, it ié divided among n'ümefb«strcbe»,amöhg which1’are
Iharty of ‘the'JGaS^s-^bF'-^arStefetsj thepfisftii*nxiclèi&öf-fe4sfgéét «The
Rations', to marked *in the 'thap tof La G?uz*,' <af% dift-haguifeed from IfRe
jft^êlïïa|f famftks^hue até ■ Jfiïérêl*y Jïrio^;!¥ftm’ 'tWo£ W-:'#fe hïüifdPnd
föulst.1' -Of the indigenes óf ©ariéó'-ï’ miéËftê*-‘M^oukt- %f$'beéb^gïiten
•by Wafer, andröf.tbë Ciuffis jjy'BSwarift* e^hé'lTehnelgbr^fögfirdldias
by* FaHttiet: A'GfetitraB; miffionary, ‘ WSÈiföd ^hwêhty-tWé'-^afF ia
Paraguay has pnbliflied curious JdetSïfs‘ csritteirring theA&j^ns^-wlóm
-he-calls a warlike nation, bilt who ofi$y 60hftifht#h tribe of ^abost five
thoufand, on the Rio Grande, whtefrnj&iripih© Paraguay hear its- union
with the Parana. The Abipoasl^ingilelli known «trithé ÊoglÊh ré ad e r,
fooie account of them may be feieÊtei They am ratheo p warlüée» face;
and by a novelty in American mansere etóeftyj ; ea^alry» 7fecnsing find
taming-the . wild hörfes introduced by ithe 'Sipaniards ^ andinthe fafne
•quarter the Moeobs; Tebas, and A»ca& sus hlfo warlike' and: ^independent
tribes. In this part of America greater faifnefe ©f <e#m^lexion
feems to prevail, than in the dkterior provinces; apd the'women rap-
proa ch the tint of Europeans. The Ahijpons were aaarientl-y ) named
Callegaes by the Spaniards, on account of their fl-ngtfïar' (‘|>raëitiee of
■ eradicating the hair over their foreheads, fb as t© produce the a|Éjs>ear-
ance of baldnefs ; but their features refemble the -European, and lithe
nofe is commonly of an aquiline form.” They cbriefully eradicate*the
beard, originally fmall; and mark- their foreheads and temples; with
particular fears, by way-of ornament. The males are accuftomed from
«childhood to the ufe of the how., Hunger alone didtate^,the time ta
eat; and they confume vail quantities of animal food. Perianal clean-
_ *> The natten« are marked M . the families T . for Y.ndios or Indians. Humboldt in a'letter to
Fourcroy,fays tlitft the Otomara on the Orinoco fubfift for months on a kind df >fat earth ! 'On
the river Gafltfata, tlnder'thé equator, no human being' is to be ften for the{pace óf,1-30 leagues.
He mentions a nation wbodiye, on ants, and a; c.olony;would be ufefnl in Afriep.ofthe Weft Indies-
His map would-be valuable, if(h«have -made aftronomioal obfervatipj^, as he fays,,111.54 places.
.See Monthly Magazinej Auguft, i‘8ou ‘
zs Hobrizhófférjii. 15, 2 1,ficc. ‘
U ONC ^ E R E D . C OU NT RI E S - 703-
Rndêis preforvedSy freejueri^fethteg ln* ;^ Fake's 'and 'rivers? They
haver'd ideh of-as'i&preme.ddtyb«; aetaöWlédfè||$e¥il &&on whom
they commonly attempt tö flattèl by tea«id£ -him tH^r-'ünd^#” Their
magicians are called Keevfct* an& they hdvfe’^ e t t^ öW avüftfafM%
fevage'tribes, a tribnteiofifdmcaty tofköóWlfedge'.*'■' ‘Pbly^rihyi’HlloWed
but. riot frequently pra^ifod ; and^tle babe bèihg' fuddédJtd$& 'iigè ©f
thre&years, the mothers frequently dfeftroy their bffsprifig,-‘thM é y may
devoteffcheir attention to their huftands.' lOm author, arf-finp^jiiillced
German, ridicules the ideh>©f Spanilh èrüekyiiWd?5'rripu’tes the' tbhfriefs
efthe population to this; among other caufös. rtB^idèb of a
a«^rch; but are ®uled% many eaziks,- whom they call capita*,| from a.
Spamifli term : and are'not advanced totthe agricultural M e 'i’but\hey are
not cinnibals, like feme of thetfucrounding' nations. In d'ifc'hffing th%’
language of the Abipbhs, our author hasi "©&f<&*edlthat the number of
tongues in Paraguay exceeds credibility, not merely dialers, Btit radically
and totally diftindt. The fame ideas wéte entertainèd cÖficéftïiti'g thdfèv
of.Saieria and Tatafy, tklthey were mere/GGffipleteJy •ftbtSed. The
Quarqaian laftgtiage fCems one of the wideft ; md that of thC Abipotó
refémfeltfs that of the Mocobs aftd Tobas. - The raoft pébiil-rar found'
is a giktUral, oompofed of r and' g, which fei«n:st& réfemblë: the'
ef the Hottentots ^ and tire word® are often very long, as among tire •
favages of North America. They ufe the mafetilind and feminine gét£-
der» and decline the nounè b y. prefixes. The additional information
fujfoifted by our. author, concerning ,fome other American dialeflrs,..
might be ufeful in a general furvey of that obfeure fübjé€t. Hie Abi-
pons feldom marry till the hufband and the bride have exceeded their,
twentieth year ; and the lady is purchafed frorh her relations at thé price-
ef fóur horfes, and woólkn cloths of varied colours,- fomewhat re-
fembling Turkey carpets. They pretend to expedite the birth by a mixture
of cabbage juice and wine t and. on the birth, of a cazik’s el-deff
fon many ceremonies are obferyed. 1 From, the tbicknefa of the ikin,.
or feme other caufe, fhe fmall- pox is- peftilenrial. tp the indigenes of
* The Tehueh ftyle the chief demon E ld or Balichu, the inferior demons Q^uezubu; the Bfa-
züians andQuaranians ftyle tht demon Ananga. 111. 100, tot.
A bifons.'
4 America..