p o l M I e s mm
THE- boundaries/ofjdii« exienfivg divifi<m/ö£ the ,globema;Eë already
,rbeen: briefly4 ttmn^pjqqdjimjthe .intro.duaM F tapfie|Auati(^ipands'i
A, En e.palling. ,due;.norJ;h, ip.the meridian -qf. i Greem^iclij
wiJ.,J,eaA',e ,tbe Philippine Iflands in the;|»0&ngjE a r chip el a goTmvi d e d by
a wide Pea fqpm the .Peléw Ifles, tbe moft ryeftern group; dEEpllme^S?
though a fetyPraall detached ifles appe^rho, J:he,S. W. About, "ao0 bj.
lat» thefline o£demarc^tio^;he^^-N^X.‘fo. as tp indude^the ifle
h&SantoS) and that called J2 v ^ ^ ^ /a /sL 1meMe.nr^keSiw E. Ip as tó
include the Sandwich Iflands,, ai>d pafs S« about topMli22° weflj t^ll it
reach the fouthern lati4ude»of 5 0 ^ where it turns to the wen, hnu joins
thejbgTOdary q |< ^ ^ i^ |a . •
It is .probable, that.)fptur,e-na'v,igatipn.S' nray.greatlydmm'óie.andenlar^e
the -geography of Po^ynefia, by thf difcoyery-of new(-groups,, ^and the
WW%#^l^t^;aarsft|igenfient of*,thofe‘ already, known, At pre|jent; me
following appear to be the cbi^fuhdiVjifie^s^.«
■ :tI. The Pelew;Ifles.... _
2. The Ladronés, a. chain .extending,, in a northerly direöiön, the
fmall iflands in the Pacific feeming to> be moftly the fummits of ranges
or.grpypB of mountains* i f ■
3U.The'Carolines, a long range from E. to W,,^|a as perhaps,; in
flriöthéfs', tb include the Pelews.
4. The .Sandwich Ifles.
5. Ther-Marquefas;. ;
6’. The'!Sbcièty Ifles,. fib named' in honour of the Roy-al^ociety.' •
.7. The friendly Ifles,
T h e re