1M f h m Ê jm r wm® J 0
l *1% 'progrefllv’è |;eogrégir^l!^^È!^è,‘l^Jonylni'óS W i tHe vaViotisS P^k^es^
dïfêpyênes which ïiave"|een the' Iene|af4 i|w’ üï Athenea'. *‘5f-SË°i
f e y parts of the inferiQr^are ; iwxde^l r t he gfeat
river o f .Amaions-being; cpveïetf wiffl im'nëi^ffabje ïorelfV, anct others ■
flooded by the' iriundationsf Yd.tffar i i ^ be attained.
In bh'^Toubh!;there^ai:e Vaff"falfne plains, ariS“frtiS^afi^y ddertsj
equally* a^y-érf^ to^eogEap^ _^TM"Sj&ni&paps' are
likewi fe ofnoted "inaccuracy. But' great |igKt; ll^beên1 diïuftd .over
South America "by thereceht large^ map of Don Jiiah/de ïa druz/^anq!
y ólmeciitla, rgeograplier folhe king 1.77V, reni4 tiftied_by Mr. f atfel|
1799. ; So recent is any exa&.delineatidn oTthis grand* divifioh of'the
iejyjw.orld ■! *
• The" religion of Sfeuth Am erica'is in ^gpixeraLthe^Homah Catholic-,
wit^ .the .exception qf 'the fmall Djujph .territory^ and a, fjew , fa vage
The fonthern extremity, extending * far beypnd that..$£> Africa 1$ .CKmate and
exjpofed-to all the horrors ‘of .the aiitar&ie frofts; and'Terra delfFupgq Seafon!'
in tJie'S* lat. ‘of J5P feems sxpófed tö -the. altftoft' perpetual' v^kitet of
Greenland in N. lat. ydf.0 Tehiielaa* for PettagQni^, 'poafifting; mofrly-óf-
op.en, deferts and favarihas, with a. few willow trees" on the invert rfefemb-
fö^Sj gy-Wteinperate bhti rather eoöhcdïnïate. _On:.:piroBeediög döwsads
thë %bhh th'è* gtfeiti- fclsain 'öf the A'nfids;
cIhhate^:WMrft ftfangely ebntradidfc thetheöïiespcdianffleht-géogmphëtó^
théJëiilfflnëofivëniêècéfeiêf' thé: tefrid’ zb*öëi?eifl|; êMferrfepdtd tki: $h£
tóic&ataihs, 'and efxfdéfche ïhótfftire in flfeJ^Ri'öë’^f: -Nérfr'GafeB rfhè
^ditihfè öf ÖjSbBèt Wd i$dWiöBé§1'fbrtit? ' -
isi'Ihe- -dfy^re^bhi effen ë^t'rèfifefy e ö » ; ind the5 ratify
féafon'f|§ defied Wïhfer; '' Thë former BegiSsbh. MSyj'fodlieh is*ch ^ %
the beginning Oif wfi^ter.in .the Iqvyjer p^irts, antdeap^.nüési.till,Nov,èmber,
whêaithéflïght fdg&*i ealted tviriter in tke/mftefö difperfe»} i©n
*'• Everi.'dTe'ïai%E;,map.ïj5r Kitchen, 1.7.74, ;ofidiê.ïoKhern; lwl^jinierted in Falkner’s Patagonia,
^»u‘piipreteridesi;t'pvfeeTtuiIt upon au thentic. materials, 'iyill Jje> fó.und -töV be ^almoft .whollyn-imagi-
nary, wïien ïoinpare'd with-that' of L'a' Cruz1. - '
l *jf»oa Memoires Ptóio.fophiqiicé, Par's", 1787, two vol. Svo, 1'. 89.V ;
•yVOL. II, 4 Q_ ' the