— — BWB
■ F O L Y W S . r a .
merit little attention,. In thefe feas is the ftupendous rock called Lot’s
Wife, rifing in the form of a pyramid, and thus defcribedriy Mr. Meares
in- his voyage. “ The latitude was 290: 50' north* the longitude 1420
23' eaft '-© f ^ ^ R |K | The waves"broke againft its rugged front,
with a fury: proportioned' to the immenfe diftance they had to roll before
they were interrupted by it. It rofe alinoft perpendicular to the
height of near three hundred ’and fifty feet; A fin all black - rock appeared
juft above the Water, at about forty or fifty yards from the weft-
ern edge. There was a cavern on its fouth eafte-tn fide, into which the
waters rolled with an- awful'and tremendous noife. In regarding* this
• ftupendous-rock, which flood alone in an immenfe-ocean; we could not
but confider it-'as :an ebjea which had been able to refill one of thofe
great convulfions -of nature that change the very form of thofe parts of.
the globe- which' -they are permitted- to defolate.”
i l l . T he CAROLiN^Si
This is the largeft group, or rather the moft extdnfi^e range of-illands
in the Pacific Ocean.** This chain appears to have been firfLdffiovered
by the Spaniards in 1686, and Was named from .^^^panila^onardhr
Charles II. They are about thirty in number; and very pop^ousr ex*
cept three which were uninhabited; The natives referable thofe of the
Philippines, and chiefly live upon filh and cocoa nuts : and it is probable
that their language only' differs in a few fhades. According.to the letters
of the jefuits each ifle was fubjea to its chief, but all refpeded a
monarch, who refided at Lamurec.
They believe in certain celeftiai fpirits, and think- they d-efcend' to
bathe in a facred lake in Fallalo, but there are neither temples nor idols,,
nor any appearance of worlhip. The dead are fometimes thrown into-
the fea, and at others interred, the grave being furrounded with a ftonc
» De Broffes ffightly mentions, Vbl.,K. p. 5?i the New Philippines- a-Vague-and; ^improper
. name o f the Carolines,... But fee his Supplement^; 11,443, &e. for a defcriptlon oF th i CJird'hnes
■ and Pelew Iflands, accompanied with a curiops map - byJVaugondy..
; p - q x M M i V p B t a 499
wall. It is faid that thdfe of Yap.wprlhip a kind of crocodile, and have C4*ou»*S.
Iheir magicians. - Polygamy is,allp%d, and the Tamuftbr chief of the
large ifle of Hogoleuhadnine whrewv Criminal are baniftied from one -
ifle to another;3 ■ .
They do not -appear to -havte' any'inftruments' of. mufic, but their
dances are accompanied with fongs. -Their only weapons are lances,
armed with bone. Even in this diftant quarter of the globe negro flaveS
are not unknown: and in one or two of the iflands the breed is faid to be
mingled, twenty-nine Spaniards having been left on one of thefe iflands,
who are fijppofed to have married and fettled; The people, -of Ulea are
reportedtd.be more eivil&ed-.than the reft, arid appear much, to -referable
thofe.of the Pelews; In 1733 Cantova, a jefuit miffionary, was maffa-
cred’ with eight Spaniards in the. ifle of Mogmogv "*
The moft confiderable of the Carolines is Hogoleu, about 90 B.
milea-in length by 40 inrireadthV ' IsJext is'Yap,'.in 'the 'weftërn extremity.
of; this chain, but not above, a thirds part* of thatifiïfe.«1 The Ca-
roMae, iflands. have been little vifited by rcccnt-navigatorsbut a few
fmall groups have been difeovered in their eaftem extremities, which
maypfioperly beiclaifed in the fame range. ’*
IV. T h e Sandwich Jsles. p
Thefe iflands appear to have been firft difeovered by o-tfr great navigator
G00M being perhaps the only detached-ob jee ft in which Hé was not fore-’ C0Teit ‘
A ailed by preceding navigators; but theprecifiop and truth ofhis narratives
concerning other regions befor| only faintly defcrilfed, and the difepveries
°fparticular features and pofirions, juftly entitle Cook‘rto .the veneration
his mempry has received fr.qm all Eumpean-natiorls. The people of
Ihe Sandwich Iflands are of a deep. olive^compexfSri., mufcular, and
WeA - proportioned ; an! the ’ prodriiftioris differ little from thofe ’of Gta-
^rite, being little further to the.north of the/equator than the Society ,
Iflands are to the fouth. There is one confidentie ifland about 286 B.
3 D,e Brbflfa, ib. 4S6,
3 * 2 rililes