afford a. convincing proof tl^ftcRpcli nare can^dveiccf'ne Britiffï courage,
D. ébnÈuiiF, and pe.rfeverance.
' In tiîis qêAtVâl -territory wé alfbApófféfs’ Révérai towns,
Salem and Attore in tbé %aft -; Dindigul, Góimbctöfe, Pal i eau d , ön tlSfe
fouth ■ and on the wéftëfn coaft Eaniàriy, Fèrbkabad, Calicut, èow
nearly Öeferfêd; Télliclierri, Mahgalóre : and óur northern poffeffión ■ of
Cal war is ivithin forty nriléé dff tlïe Porto guëfeifëttlëinën’t cnG©a y while
■ :ón the foüt'K Wè àppiWaïhwithinh a like diftàn'ce ôf'Coehiù. Ofthefe
-pfefces GklitWÎs m'etaôràbl'b às thé firïfladian port vifited '/bythniBprtn'-
iguefe under Vafcó'de Gama, •ànd'aa-tlre heat of the Zamörins, who-at
that period appear ,to haVe pjifleffed the whole Malabar cöaïi from, Goa
«torCödiin ; andipé thp interruption löf the Gauts-'qr;.mountains
bfdStikhieri, at Palicaiid, where the only river.:of confequence fallsiS the
rweft,their power might,; .extend inland ; but at any rate it feems to have
then rivalled, 'any foveneignty on tHefouth of the Kiftrial
. The native-rajas of Myfore, a part of whofe dominions wé have alfo
Ifhared, were -princes of. fome eminence, fupplanted by-the Mahometan
mfcrpâtiôn ôf'Hydér. In the Carnatic we have long held Madras,
where Brir ‘-ànèejftors .bfiK'tlUe 'fbritefc, Which is
ftrong, and includes a regular well built city, 'Is of modern dateU^On-
happily th e fe isn d pbftyriOr Is there irideed one havën for large veCds,'
from the. inOilth öf the- Ganges to , Trincdmali bn ; the eaftern fi de; I f
Ceylbn, which renders this laft of lingular benefit to bur commerce.
Through this widè êxtéèt of fifteen degrees, or more,than iooq-.B;.
miles, the coaft forms nearly an uniform line, irifefted with â dangerous
Thrf, and fcarcely accelfible, except in the flat-bóttomèd boats of the
country. But, if found riecefTary, European induftry might, certainly
form a port at'the wide but impeded mouths of the Godaveri,-the Kift—
na, or the Gaveri; and when our cblonies {hall hate affumed a perman
en t and Heady progrefs of population, it is probable that fuch defigns
may be executed.
Not far from the weftern frontier of bur fettlement at Madras .Hands
Arcot, efteemed the capital of Carnlda, or the Garnatic. The Navab*
* This word, alfo vnAtin Nabob,. implies lieutenant-governor, or1viceroy ; but the title became
-bften it-fi^e^ at Madras. | In his.dominions theroare: feveral celebrated Gnj.iT ’
temples^ vifited by -ninne.i-QU6. pilgrim's ; and in general the fouthern Towns.
pktts b f Hibdoftkn -difplaymere nurper||i.s pdlfieespand other marks o f
"civilization, th kri H1%1 north ml.' Yet the fuCceffive fettlements of the
Arabs, and lattelly p f many European nations.^ feem to indicate an inferiority
o f ipteHefB and power in the natives^ For'#neither in China,
nor exterior India,.’have fuch foreign' c'bpqu'eEs been atchieved ; arid in
'Vhis?!tdfp|^' Jth% Hirid||l| feem rather to ap^rbach the rude .tribes of
'Afnca^-anS* ’America,' or :at i 1 ; civilizatippbf Mexico or
Peru‘ than'tl(eiunron]Vpin{|i'and<dlfclpltyie,f ra;Ee found in Hates truly
Having i$ius bi iefly mentioned the Bririlhjpqfihffions id t|:is 'quarter Tranquebar.
of HiridoE;an., arid their neafeft ally, it may Be proper 'to indicate a few
niher remarkable places tq"; the Jump. .of thqfe poieffionSil Traequebar ,
'is a noied'Daniffi Tettiement-in the kingdom of Tanjor.e, which epi-
i^ ^ ^ ih e wide Delta of the.'Gaveri. This fettlement was'formal about
1617, and ■ nas”','been' chiefly r-emar'kable on account t o f the Lutheran; .
miffionaries,-. Who reiprted ; .t-q,,|d|i^fti;t tpe' Hindoos, and have
fametiin eEcd-ntfibuted to illuftrate; natural r/ Pondichpri was the
principal fettlement of the,French,.fouqdpd,in id.74, and before the war,
■ 1756,.-'was. a large, and beautiful eity.. ,
.Qn .th,p'.,weftern cqa^:, or th at ,qf. vMa|^ha.r,; • ‘
northern point of .a long, tradt of land-, forming a ifiand,jjf^:-
..rounded on the ,eaft by a creek qf the fea, which repeiye^ fe.veralftreams.
.But this feemingiy ample .harbour qs obftrudted • by a dangefpus .par.
When the. Portuguefe firft vifited fiindoftan, Cochin and the furround-
ing territory .were pqffeffed. by a pad,ye raja ; and ,the celebrated Vafco
.de Gama rdied here, 152,5. . TMs;:city remained fubjea. to the Portq- '
„guefe tiH- jEBfl, • ,\yas taken)by the Dutch, whq. feem ftill tq be
permitted to retain this fettlement, ^or perhaps have refigried it to the
French,. The furroqnding-^creelts and marihes..,;of .this low and up-
.healthy fhore -abound with. fijGb .and game.1
4 Wcfdin, 130, gives a good account of Cvchio.