Cofa and Tèëfta, belong ,*to^Tihe|;fttoe Jumna or Yurnena, which re-
teivesnïany 'cön-ficlëraUië rivers from the 'fouth* particularly the' - Chüm-
biil and thé Betwa-y andiaftly the. Söan. 1 sfe
the- mountains-of Ti-
^BetT pervades tbre^pfreWmce of Oude. It li> ;fth|*fita# that- thtrri«^ is
wholly'unknown b f any name 'whatever in-ihe map OfTibet? by 'the
Xamas; ' anothéf ëögeat proof that it deferves very little' credit;* The
eomparatiVe eourf© of the* Gagra is abötit feven hundred mite.
The Jnihiia fifes from fhe: mountains of Sirihagiir, purfiyartgi nA^fty- j
parallel1 ’ cdnrle to the Gauges on the weft, as' ’tlië Gagra éóeé' erGffie
eafh; but itè comparative; cöurfe hks not exceeded five hunffietfmiles
when it flows into the Ganges at Allahabad; By-teêeiviS^ hdméfóüs
and èxteöfiVe ftreams from- the fe«ith,‘Ihe JJhmna'éttórib^
. incïeafé tile-breadth of Gangetlt Hiiidnftan; and' the ^hófnbülj^hicH
joins the Jumna, iahfelf fwelled with many tribütary ftréahrö '
{ The ,Seah is fald to Ipring fronf the feme lake, or oihcf 'fèürale, with
the Nerbuddfaj (which flows in- an óppofite difeaiórt to 'tbegfiFe'f Gam-
bay,] and joins the Ganges1 not far below its1 union'‘ with The^G&gra;*
Several ftreams of fmaHer account fall into thé’ Höógléyy oi‘ wèftcm
Branch of the Gangesij
„ The Tndus, apd its. confluent ftreams,' forth' the next'‘bbje'a!. .This
celebrated river'is.by the natives called Sihdé," oi^Smdeh, and in the
'a r ^ ^ ^ r è V ^ m ; |{ is. k'lTó callejtl Nilab, or thé B.liié River.
0The fouBce^ like that of the- Ganges, remains önknown ; for the ideaè>'
,e?fpreffed even by Major KenneTI on the fubjeft are Vague apdr unjitïsh
n f - ;S?e>$i faer,J$atj.e. R ^ J |n v p p i- ii. ;fo/,.l8oQ,.‘arcuhp.us:accountröf jthe./ni » a p f the Soan:
acdNêrbudda.; .'Ebeje^rive^nfe in’/beliaMe I m i # .
■ ^he Nerbnddifpr%s'frcwn>i f in a fw f e ll -ami aftér aSgbrtOSbhé'falls |aêraft%-fróra af moft
Ijenddffs BsaghtnJ an'd: being. jo&eddjy man^reamsjifoon becomes,a-iConfidcrable n^er; The"
. Sca^rifa from fjj-e | gjj fide g f OmercuntyipJ and -proceeds N .to Burdy, whcpce it proceeds E.
the (Jartges.'''T^'lfti#döfffémpiè H4i^ ^ ign ifib 5ent f 'and is-irf tïrfe iebltwyv!&VMer ffe'
'JnVtëSkm-*of the G obikTs. >r RochetfeV map gives a moreJuftJdfcMrf; the.-foHrces' of theferivers-
tfran Renncll’s, in. which they are confqjii^ed.,,. The^jgurney: above quoted, by Mr. (Riant an èn*
.ghver;-fr<p.Cbynygnr by. Ruttumj^ur to Rajamündry in thé.Sy&afÓf EUbte /wkich tniift pot
.'be' confounded with the'cetebiütédSÜöra')', re vèVy' 'in'tefeffinj*,'-as it? Öitcfeö feme' parts^of Hin-
ifcftau lfttte vifuedvr! ÏK k ts he regretted that; the ingenious aufha« has ndt rfccctmijanied {tnsathu
fftiftöfy. Plain*of Panier is derived from a nftfmt-erpreted paftage of Rivers.
Marpp Polony and'the whole of thisExC^oni i^ahyet.oaly ingenious;con-
jefture.'tcThe mpuntaaiis.of Musagjiffom';which Rennell derives, the
Indus,-as' well as the-Plaint oftPamef in its:new acceptation, are bor?* -
rowed fromttheef;Strahlenberg, which is,• indeed^exeeftent for thé'
tirne, * 7g J-> Land laid fh© fir f t -foundation of ao .exftfit Jenevsdjedge of ce%
tral1 Afta.rri -Butfthe proper motmtaips- o f Musi, Tags which-ar©; ai&,;laid
dbwn, by Strahlenberg^ nun’from W»ltQ E.sv being théfchaln totfie fouth
of LittHe Bpfharia-y, ^dTrcmi, the map pf Iflenieff,. ryyy,-.'it.appears that
thaehain of -mountains whichagivesToytce tp the AmufonG-ihon on
qnerfi„de> and on; the otherrtd thé’rivers pf Eittle B.uchariaj is dhab.of the
BtlürMIagj 'OE Cloudy Moonteins; front the eafterns fidecof- which .-chain
thé. Indu^femsiS ité .arift; siits .eomparatiyeleourfeimay be about-a thou- '
fand Brrtifh milfe^fe?wh«n. it ffofnisi ia delta i injthepaiéyiricê.fof Sisdif*;
entering by many, mouths into- the: Imliaaufea. «(
The tributary'«veesrof tbe(Siiïdé,ehiefly;jaih it in s thfe; northern half
èf its conrfe,. where :theyiforiii..'the. Fanjab, rorteountify qfTivfiiRivers;. Punjab».
Prom.tbe weft'Vun^mtQfjhe Indu^tb.e;Ramfeh^wi|l^'®tpbiftik|rsftream.s,y
and- thé Gomül from the eaft;ihésBe&ut or Hydafpés.the Ch-unaH. or
Acefibftstjhthe -Raoveepr Hydvaptessi 'Éfettegapl^ÖeJaï^«^
\vith;a;tributary $ream<.W: the_vweftvsthe Hyphafisd?ithéP'anjab'ópuhtry
fepiingo©hi.th&, eaft:Qfrfsue ^inde.- The whole pf-thig part o&$ïïs$è8ag&:*
is:li$tl^ known to. thé moderns; and b> istlppcertaip Whether the Ca^aj^ .
ft,eo'flfiderable and diftant river to..the Eaftjijpip-the ‘Sindéy or fa,ll into •
tbéjgulf p f Gutch.--*'
Having thus brieffy deforibed. the moft important fivers in;the two:
fir ft-grapd divifipps-of Hindoftan, ithpfe öf th e’ (Gentral -part muft next
he confidered, being* chiefly the P*uÜcla,i5ierb.udda, and.-Tapféei oh .the -
wéi^i' and-on the veaft -the Subanreeka, Qr Sühünrebaj'which joihs the
fea. about thirty miles* to, the weft of that mouth of the Ganges called, the
Hébgley, or morei properly,..from a- city on itS'.'ftiore, th^'UgB. The
SébuntoBabflèïaPi®a confidered as: the N. ,E. bo.uridary. c.f Géntral Hin»
doftan, is followed by -the Bramn.ee, the Mahanada; and aft.er palling'
1 4 -Major Rebnéll’s eKcellent'feaJ)%ayiere be eom’parfed witlishat'oj'Se feRoehette, pubb’lhed; ....
by Paden 1.788, wKcJiis-weB executed and;ëompiled vyitli great carei.
■ *t ' f H E t h é