and vera, tMS'ii^eritink; aA&fiji&chia niit ifirfej-cieratbnia' fifi.2-
xtpA^ iaHb'i juniperus drupacea arid ‘oxyhedrus, itwS] of - theHargeft1 fp #
des of this'genus nearly^ quailing the cypress'in height:,“^antf fcrimd'upoh.
Moiiiit Caffi&s'hnd-other rocky hillsa'n Syria’;1 cpp?eflurTC^^ervijeh^
cypreft; thuia oriental^, 'pihus cedrtfsi lhe~ ceHaFPa fewTafgh trees5®
which ft'tlf remaihbh Mount L€fckh6hytneiVehei%bIe rellcs;b1f
' fofefikiv 2 Hihi&h&^yfiacuVy diftinguifhed1 byriffid nia^nrait^1JSplt?n3i^*;
of its httfiorirs,' and on this aOcbuht innch Cultivated about Conftanti-
iMh^|iaftS 5^ 1h% Turki{h'empire', inhere it defesVot grow
abounding in Paleftine and Other parts of Sjtfa f-'fSPi&jf dadylifera,
"dtitetree; quetcus teni^piicM y cipped-oak, fitone wmfch5kr0^roSufOd
the fiheft l&ldpptJ galls; Ihurus mdicb; ' pl'atanus orientalist drienthl
plane tree, highly efteeined for its; flbady terit-like 1 canopy' c>f fbMa^e.-
Mimofaarborea; carpinus ollrya,A©^ hprnvedm; and meflifpermum
cbcculus, theberries of Which, commohly called cocculusinditus, are
much ufed by the native^ for taking fi£h, on apeouht of their harcotlc
Of the loweri tteek and flowering ffiruHs the principal1.arefyringa;
vulgaris, Side,, abounding .:qn the banks of;-the Euphrates; jafminuin.
. , friitiqofa and officinalis^ a n d cpjpjnon, ja/ftyag, fqt^d plenti|uliy in >
the.thickets and woods of Syria;.- the long hollow.ftems of the latter of
thefe are in great requeft among the inhabitants, as ' {kerns. to their tobacco
pip# U ruta. fmtioulofa and Jimfolia*: t w o , tthte,fbff-
mer of which is rather uncommon,.and Jjgjft been chitffiy foupd.about;
Damafcus; arbutus unede, arbute; prunus proftrata, a trailing fhrub,
the fmalleft of the pliim kind, coveridg therocks liearthe fummit pf
Mount Lebanon ; Spartium junceum and fpinofum, [Spaqijh and thorny
broom, occupying many of the fandy trails that are of fuch.frequent
occurrence in Syria t nerium oleander, a common ornament ©f every
rivulet; famarix galliea, iamari/k; rhus COtinus lycitun europseupi,
boxtborn\ ofyris alba,- poet's eajjia; erica fetoparia, with many .other
kinds of heath; laurus nobilis; bjaytnee ; capparis fpinofa,yaper. hup;
feveral fpecies of ciftus,efpecially the fctgeleaved and gum ciftus; and
„1 euphorbia
■ m m
'euphoihia maui:itaidna:i' * « # < */ y , with the acrid juice, of w-hi-ch
the,fcammqpyfhjHQt naff eqpentJyjadultptajtedjiiji
.... Several dyij^.rdr\^^Jaqd^artjfJiesA,^^jq|matc|'ia msdic^ are imported
from (thq Levant, aqiong may be particularized (rubia timSkorum,
madder; a, variety of th?s» ceiled. alizari,, is larggly ,jcpltivated around
Smyrna.,, which yields a mucli thajp, the -^European kind,
■ ani| tq^feis t^e fnpgr-Lority o f - T i r . r k i l h reds is principally
tejube, afcrjbp.d,;j..fpnilax afpera^piijabilis-. jalapa,, jalap -«jcpnvolvulus
[c&mrAox$$+par^omc, cordia m y x a , | j y frqt'on tinchfu'ium<rici-
r u s communis;,th-e-feedti-ofwhieh t y-ields by^expreflinn* th
mqfeordica1 elatenuj&^puirting ctictfinber ;MCucu'iflis ealdcynthis, coloqutn-
tiM\ papav^et’ foihrviferunt, opium -poppy; ftfamum o'riehtale ; and' 4of-
tus AFabieii.sspikenard.
^■ 'A'few'efchidht pla’Ats not !cohiihcnly made'uYdof elfewhferd are thd
pfoduf^qf Nafolia and Syria', fuchjas fdajium melongena’, mad-appli ;
dypefhs efc^l'ohtus, the large' aromatic root of which i's mhclf effeemed';'
corchorus plitorius, Jews' mallow; arum cofocafia, remarkable' for’its
rne^t hk/ihaqeo\is rbqt,' while thofe of Its kindre'dYpfetfes aref'mtolli.tahly
The fallowing vegetables .are rematkahlej^ n gr.tfo'r,. or
Angularity: „e^oacantha heterophylla. an ^umMifergi^ plant diftin-
guifhed by Xts uncommonly thorny inyolucrum>^^d ^ thevyicin'ity
of Nazareth^., dianthy SjLibanqtis, Lebanpp' pink;; anthylhs., traWcan-
■ thoides,. 1a,'^a|& plant found oni Lofer^Pj-^nd eminently hean|i&Lwith,
Its long clufters of purple papilonace^i^s f^oyvers ajnaryllia, mon tan a.,
.aifo a native of Lebanon; afphodflq§ ramolUs, branched,.lipnpdt'i,»
lilinm a1lhum an,d bulbiferum, white a,nd oraf^ejp^u9a^^ i& t.azqtta ;
"ornithogalum umbellatum. Par o j , JBfjblehem ; ^ y a q jq th _priep|aij.s^
oriental hyacinth; xeranthemum frigid um,; a beautiful giant growing
dofe to the fnow on Mount Lebanon; hyqfcjamu&aureias,^4%» henbane
; phyfalis aikekengi, winter C h e r n y manc^gora^ .calla*
orient alls ; arum, infottumgj origan ujen, he^acleqd>cPP aQd creticum,
eretan ortgany; falvia acetabulofa.; thymus maftychina; and anaftatica.
Hierochuntica, rofe of Jericho
F 2
B otany.