' Antelopes abound of Various .'.Beautiful kinds, particularly that wMB
th e which fe^of a^etofidterkiye ‘fife 1 'BerinCyytbe nsoft intelligent
of travellers %t Tridiaf,rigiv©s < a^aiSloiWkt tk4* ckap'e-Offhe a'ntei
lopes by means of hititiSg 'iebpardy'feaiked;Ws iii Perfia -t6;this
• The: Arabian' camel/-'-or thatwfth a Angle 'hunch,- is‘not unfrequene
..about Patna.' "Tile elephant haS‘-bleea- freqiieritly- tfeferibedt the rifeal
heightiof this intelligent 'ankriaMsifiSsbuf teh: feet, WmMtptfe1 fef fifteen
efteetned a- gigantic' prodigy.
Legions of Hindoftan; and- th e or ang outangla'faicl
vaft forefts on the W.: of the Shears; The dogs, trie generally of'the
«ur kind^ withjfharp erfeS ears^'and p^nted'hoifesf^M-tekflefl^fizcf'fei
that, kept-fey the Parlars, or deg/aded; poor, rendered';d<luhly miferabfe
by jthe TfanStfe prejudice
The: other animals are wild feoarsybears, wolves, foxes,-jackafisyhyenas,
leopards, panthers, lymxes; ia the north mufk weafelsy a-nd-tnany other
quadrupeds of inferior fizei ,
The lionfeenas-to-bave been always unknown in’Hindoftan, where
the ancient fculptors have attempted :mr':vwnfi«0U>f^refentM%^#ihal
which they;never faw; but Mr, Pennant aflurqs us that they.-are found
near the celebrated fort of Gwalior,- afeput Mar wah„and:n£ar.,G|fopur-
The r^yal tiger, rjpf Bengal, is, ^pwever a- far morc^ forcible, aniip^l than
snd was known, in, daffcal. £imp$,ra§ &8qca.Ahe poet
calls it.‘ Gangetica- tigris, Gap^hc^gefo, Spe)} i&^if}^g|md
ftrength that they: are^faid to parry off bnl(peks<v the. .height J/ffffone
heipg /aid to be .five or fix feet, and£thp.feline .jpng^jn.prppeajtlpn.
Parties of pleafure, on the ifles ,at the mouth offoe., Ganges,, Have often
been foockingly interrupted by the fudden a!ppeapiy:q,pf fljpJtig^prf.-
P-3l§4 for his fafol,fpring, which is laid to, extend .a,. feundi^d % t, ^pot
improbable when compared with that of the cat. Such is the nature "of
the animal, that if difappointed in this firft and, fole: leap, he couches'.his
tail arid retreats. The rhinoceros with one horn, an aninjal of the
fwamps, alfo abounds in the Gangetic ifles.
* Thofe of Tippoo are in the Tower, o f London ; their legs are muck higher than 'thofe of
any other feline animal.
IJ To enumerate f the various' birds,' fifties, ..and infeds of Hindoftan, Zoology.
would be a vrintandridlejattemptiu a wbrk of this; nature. While the
turkey is. certainly a native.(of jAmercoa, wild' peacocks' abound'in Tibet
and sCeylon ; our common fowl; are' alfo 'found wild in the jungles,
whence they are called jungle fowl. Hence it-fee ms rpafonable to con-
cluderthattas theft animals have been dift'ufed over the civilized world
, from tirite immefopriah they muft have pafied from Hindoftan to Perfia,' V \
they .wereylifiufed' tOjthdwef^ejrn jGpqntries.? In
| The mineralogy-rdf Hindoftan ‘ may be opened by its'-moft diftin- Mineralogy,
gnifhed and peculiar'pjpdud^efebrated'in^-lkdges pfthe world, thatSof
diamonds,- which,afop indeed;.alfo.found; firi Br-arif;-but of far--inferior, Diamond,
quality.' ‘ It is now well known that Sir.Jfeac 'Newton prddtffedy'i-n- hia
©ptfe-s, frpm its rich and §eeftliar • effpffsn cjf «flighty» that the diamtfhd
wouldbe found|to an-'inflammable fufeftance» Thifo prediction has
been,re£ently fulfilled hy numerous 'experitrients^fyandlj^isihow'rini- 1
verfeflly adroit ted hy ohymifts>that the; j diampndfosfonjy^a wpfy !-ppre.
fogeifis . Thjsjfuhftarbceflsthowever' the n*oft hard, tranfoarent,
and brilliant of all minerals; and is'commonly GoioriTleisybut isffound- '
occafipnally of a Citron yellow, grey, brown, o'r hlaebyfourivdry rarely
green ©r-bhie. ^.-Th'e 'tnofre-'Crimmon^forni flsirQqnd, or as- it were
by.attrition j but its chryftallizatf-on fls the<joftahedron, orKcforible^uari" *
drang^lar-. pyramid, -and the dodeeahedropywith their: varieties j and
fometimes it .foccnfs if^ cubes.-t. Wjien examined with-at mierpfeppe, of ^
great <ipow'er,,,.th;e.,riexture' fometimes confifts.of ffregular:fibres«,but is
generally lamiqated, op compofed of. minute^lyypK, jjk.e, the ,pjt^B| ge--
niiine.gems. It is found in.beds of torrents,,.©!' in., yellow -ferruginous
earth, under rocks of quartz or fand ftone. That of the Brazils is. found
in a kind, of pudding ftone impregnated with iron ochres. • -
The chief and moft; celebrated diamond mines are thofe near Vifia-
pour and Golconda, both near- ftreams that flow into the Kiftna in the
fouthern divifion of Hindoftan ; Gpleoiida being in the territory of the
Nizam, while Vifiapour belongs to the Marattas.*
* Colore, another diatnoiid'miksifM t»i the fouthern bank of the'Kiftna, net far from Condavjj-.
Kenriell, z9o. -
ydri. n. 0 0 Raojcririda,