-tie ^nights . were,; cold/ .we<\pr©c,ee^edkbn our deftination,' |
/We; lfkewife tookiwhh^usrm fmallhand- hatchet-, in order J
-to mark, the-trees as .welwent/pn; thofe marks (called in
America ibei-ng. the efoil jr.-guide ■ to ,dire£t us in our
return. T ie ! country was fo jugged- as to,render it ajmoft 8
impoffible to explore, ©ur | way b y, t ie aififtance of the
eompafs, I v,
In .this jj manner, we: proceeded, for* a< mile, or-two, through
a part well-covered with’ enormous;trees, free.from underwoods
We then- .reached a thicket o f ‘brufli.-wpod, whiqh
we found" ,fo; impervious.,, as :feo oblige .us /tq return, nearly
to the fflaee, from- whence.w.e, had.:f£fe -out;in'the morning.
Here, we .encamped,,. near,.fo.me ftagnant water, ..for the
pight, during which it. thundered,yighten.ed, and rained.
Abouf eleven o’clock, the1;'governor] was fiiddenly,'attacked
with a moft violent complaint in his.:fide and loins,., brought
ph ’ by col'd and fatigue,>, not having perfe&Iy gotten the
-.better: o f the lafl: expedition.. -Tlhe next- morning - beirig <
fine, his excellency, 'who .was. rather, better, though ftill in
pain, would not; relinquiih the objeft of bis pursuit} and
-there/ofe we. proceeded, and foon got round -the wood or
.thicket which had harafled us .fo.- much the day before.
U 2 After *