1788. Chatham, Portfmouth, or Plymouth; and, confequently,
odtober. ^ their proceeding to trial would not only-be illegal', but a
direct infult to the governance and power of the Board
under which they a<$, and to whom.-every ■ appeal from
them muft come ; unlefs an adt of Parliament, in that cafe
made and provided, other wife directs.
2 8 th. A marine went to gather fome greens I and; herbs^
but has not returned; as he was unarmed; it is feared
that he has been met and murdered by the natives.
31ft. A fergeant and four privates, who had b’eeil
miffing three days,, returned. They were , feiit' by- the
commanding officer to look for the marine,’ and loft them-
felves in the woods. In the evening' of this' day we had
very loud thunder, and a fliower of hail; many of the
hail-ftones were meafured, and found be fi'Ve-eights. of
an inch in diameter.
November 2d. This day more hail ; • the Weather'dark
and gloomy, with dreadful lightning. The mercury during
the whole of the day flood between 66 and 68.
7th. A criminal court fentenced a convidt to five
hundred lathes for ftealing foap, the property of another
convift, value eight pence.
" ipth. The Golden Grove returned from Norfolk I flan d * 788.
with a few “,fpar!s, and fome timber for the governor. r'
While fhe iay there, fhe was obliged to cut her cable and
ftand to fea,- there being (|äs'i before obferved) no harbour
in the whole ifland, where a fhip can ride in fafety. The
mafter of the ffiip was fwämped in the furf and nearly loft,
with his boat and screw. ~
nth; Thomas . Bui more, a private . marine, died in
confeauence of/thö blows which he received during a battle
with :,phe of his companions; who il! to be tried fm his
life, on the 17 th inftant, by 'criminal court. So fmall
-is our number,, and fo neceffary is every individual .who
compofes it, for one purpofe or ^another," that -the lofs of
even a tingle man may truly be considered as an irreparable
difad vantage 1 ’ ‘
The preceding. ^ all the account I am able at prefent to
fend you of the territories of New South Wales, and its productions.
The unfettled ftate in which you muft naturally
fuppofe every thing, as yet, to remain; will not permit me
to be as copious as I could with; byt, by the next difpatch,
JP f I hope