Let my prefent Communications, which the
hidden failing of the Ships from hence, and the
Duties of my Department, hav&yrendered lefe
copious than I intended, at leaft ferve to convince
you bf my Readinels at all Times to comply
with your Wilhes 5 and of the Refpe& and Efteem
with which I am,
D E A R f l R ,
? i * Export
Jaokfoflj New South Wales,,
■ -ffovdiiBer
J O H N W H I T E .
IT becomes the duty of the Editor, as much as it is his
'inclination, to return his public and grateful acknowledgments
to the Gentlemen, through whofe abilities! and
liberal ComjnuraCakibny in the province of Natural Hiftory/
he has'been enabled furmo.uhb thofe difficulties that ne-
. ejefe^ilyf attended thedefeription of fo great a variety of animals,
pFe-iented*for the firft time to the obfervation of the
Naturali a h;|| confequ ently, in the clafs of Non-defcripts.
Among .th'ofc Gerftlemen he has the nonouf, particularly,
Kp reckbn tlm names of ,Dr. Shaw; Dr. Smith, the poflefipr of
, the cel;ebra!||d Linnsean Collection: ji .and John Hunter, Efq.
who, ftp a^f&blime and’dayent-iye genius, happily unites a
difinterefted" and’‘generous zeal for the promotion of natural
The Ehblic may rely, with the" mo ft perfect confidence^
on the‘; care and,aGcufaby with which the Drawings have
been cdpied from nat&fd, by Mifs Stone, Mr. Catton, Mr.
Nodddr^; Mkdfother artifts; and the Editor flatters himfelf
;the|. Engravings are all ^executed with equal correctness,
by, or under the immediate i’nfpedion of Mr. Milton. The
Birds,: &C. rfrom ypiiclr the. drawings were taken are de-
pofited in the Leverian Mufeum.