forming two bars of thefame a crofsit,Th e .generabcoiouraf
the>bifd otker'Vtóife:is4 ro:WB!f ^anging!to vin aceous red on. the;
bread, in the manner of our domeftic fpecies. •; Thevforq part-
of the! head ' 'aad'chimare buff , colour, with oar; ftteaki .of,
brownifh- red:! paffing- on each: fide .through the, eyé.: r;Thë;
quills and tail are-darker than the reft;o£ jhè/plumagév but;
alii the. feathers; hfr the xlaft, exceptuthecstwo.. midff ler :>©neE
incline to lead :colour, with :a* bar.of black' near. 'fhe. tip.
The bill and legs are- o f a dull red. I g
ThisTpecies.ds a. native.' of New South #^fe,n leveral' of
them having been ’fent.fïöm Porr Jackfan.
: 22d.: On thé morning o f this day the governor, accompanied
by the . fame party, with the. addition of Lieutenant
Creffwell * of the marines and ffx privates, landed at ? th£
head-of the harbour, - with an intention., of penetrating into
the country weftward, -as far as feven days*. provifions would
admit of; every- individual |carrying his own allowance of
bread, • beef,' rum; - and? water. - The loldiers, befidè. their
own provifions, carried; a camp kettle; and two tents, with
their - poles; ; &c. Thus equipped, . with .the additional
weight of fpare flioes, fhirts, trowfers, together with a
great coat, or Scotch plaid , for the purpofé of deeping in, as