F U L I G I N O U S P E T E R I L.
► ' PkoCELLA^w F.QLr.G.riSLOSA. > f
■ Procellaria fuliginofa, roftro albido.
Fuliginous Peteril, with whitifh bteaKjV
This is probabijr nothing more "than a variety of the Pep-,
cellaria- iEquinodtialis of Linnaeus.' Its fize is^feafl'y that
of a'raven. The whole bird* iV of "a" .deep'fdKt^-.bT'o^h/^or
blackifh; except that onlhe'chin is a final! patch^of white,
running dqwft a little on each fide from the lower' mandible.
The beakis o f a .yellowifh whited