T H E W H I T E H A . W L
FAL'ca. ALBirsi
Faicb-afóitsi roftro V S grii %ha
White Hawk, with blaok fceak, yere and legs yellbw^
This FpkiSS* ïfl Öiapê aridgenerat u^pbaraftee, fterni
aliïëd tö thb bird tailed, in England* the Hen-
Hhrfkr, wMéfe is thé -Fait© fcyanèdb -of Einmeul. It- i$ very,'
m & f ©f 4 e &mè fiafr, attd the kgs aèd. thighs are of. a
dender form, as in that ïpecies.
The whole plumage is white, without any variegations