from the very great attention paid to- ckanlinefi, and airing
the fhipsj in much better health thaa öémlè he exÿeâed in
.faeh low latitudes ~dnâ unfavourable wéather.
2ÿth. Still calm, with loud thunder, aftd inceflhnt heavy
28th. À gentle breeze -fpfung up to the wefl\iard, and
die neat day> about êliVèh fis the forenoon, we fawn, Arrange
feil fldmdihg to the fouth-Weft. A t twelve fe e tacked, flood
towards uk* and boifted Portuguefe < bólctósi The Sirius
Ijfoke her; after #liieh we all made feii agMnffedêrin^
fouth-eaft by eaft.
Jiày 2É. 'The wind èentinhing fdutfeerlyy ih TatithHd
N* and being Aid fo lar to the -edftw&hd as 2^ Wi
fongitude, the Sirius madefee figfialfor thé1 eonyeyto tacky
and flood to the weftwàrd. This day WO few fome :te~
markable flights of flying, fife ; fe e y werefo vfefy nufoerous
as to referable flights' è f flôaîl birds. The poor cr^tutes
were lb dfofiiy pUtfüed, -OK all fide'fe, by their common enemy,
honitoes, albâêofës, and feip^jlchs, that their wingi
availed them little. Thé föcèeêdifig night was âcdntinua-
taon of heavy tain. B¥èry eVenifig, labile We 'hèintinüed fee-
tweea ïïiîie âftdfix degrés-Of norfe'fetïtüdè, Wê were baffled
. ’ with
Wife calms* andradverfe winds. For feven days together I
=dWerved that each day generally clofed with heavy rams,
a.nd fome fq'ualls of wind,-which were always remarked to be
fiord the* northward.
- 5th. The wind fouth-weft by fouth, the fleet tacked by
fignal and flood to the eaftward. In the evening, a more
^numerous feoal of -porpoifes than ever remembered to be
foen by fee oldeft Hainan on boards prefented thpmfelves to
»pwr view. They were, as we conjeiftured, in purfuit o f fome
wounded f ife ; and f© -very inteht vfasel they on jthe ©bjedt of
-their'chace, that feey paflhd through the fleet, and clofe to
ibirie: of feefinpsy withbutifeowing any 'fefpoffefou *0 ^oid
-them. The Tailors and mariWirsE sttofep^d a numerous’
paek -of hounds, fcouring through watery ground 5.
•and indeed, when the: rays of the fun beamed upon them,
I know n# what they refembled more. The weather heing
ihdderatey -I:Wen3t round the feips, and wa&’ areally iarprifedj
confide ring the damp and unfavourable Weather we had had)
to find the people look fo ’well, and to be in fot good" a flats
of health.
6th. In lat. 3ft 38' &. long. 210 3 9- W. t^e Wind; 8, S; W.
%ve tacked by filia l, and in the couffe of -the day fpoke
p ' - „ ' a, floop