a p p e n d i x .
w H I T E J O IN T ED S P ID E R *
The {.(peci^lpf Spider v hnlefs feen recent, and in the
ntmoft ft ate of perfection, are not eafily diftinguiflied. The
prefent fpecies-Is moft remarkable for. the lucid furface of its
thorax and legs, which latter ace: fyrnifhed with feverai long
moveable ipinesi tha£ may he either elevated or deprefled at
the will o f the animal 1 this however asjjiot peculiar to the prC"
fent lin k 's , but is feen in fame others. The eyes are eight m
number, and are arranged in the fame manner as thole o f
,t h m e l , i c a n Spider, or Aranea Aviculaxia of Linnasus*
The colour x>£ this Spider is a clear chelhut brpwn, except
the? body, wrhich. is a pale brown, with a very deep or blaekifti
fefcia on its upper part, reaching about half way down*
The orifice at the dp ©f each fang is ^ery viftble by ft»
flight a-magnifying power as that of a glafs of two inches
ioou- : this Spider is therefore of the number of thofe which
poifon their prey- before they deftroy- it. ■ ■
The Plate exhibits the back and front view, of the natural
flze. A. the order in which th e Spines are placed. T h e
leffer a. two Spines enlarged1, flicwing the B racket on which
they turn, and the Groove or Niche they jOhut into when
ciofed, C. the Fangs magnified.