S W E E T T E A P L A N T ;
This is a treeorftnubwhofe ]eavespnlywehavefeen,but
from them we judge,it to belong,to the genus of Smilax. For
want of the ftem we. cannot fettle its fpecifip chara<fter.; Thefe
Jeaves are about two inches long,'ovato-lanceplate, pointed, entire,
marked with three longitudinal ribs, and many tranlverfe elevated
veins, fmooth and rfhining. above, -glauppus beneath, with a
thick cartilaginous edge of the fubftance .of ƒ he ribs. The leaves
have the tafte of liquorice root accompanied with..bitter. They
are laid to make a kind oftfea, not unpleafant to the tafte, .and-
good for the feurvy. The plant promifes much in the laft re-
.^e£fc, tfrom its bitter .as. a tonic, as well as the quantity; .of
faccharine matter it contains.
Leaves .-of this plant; are reprefented on^the fame plate
with the Tea Tree. _ A.. isL the, front, B. the back .of., a
leaf. ,