1788. ftore beef and peafej the property of the crown. They were
February.^ convidted on the .cleared: evidence; and fentence of death
being pafled on them, they were, about fix o’clock the fame
evening, taken to the fatal tree; where Barrett was launched
into eternity, after having con felled to the Rev. Mr.
Johnfon, who attended him, that he was guilty o f the
crime, and had long merited the ignominious death which
he was about to fuffer, and to which he laid he had been
brought by bad company and evil example. Lovel and
Hall were relpited. until fix o’clock the next evening.
When that awful hour arrived, they were led to the place o f
execution, and juft as they were on the point of afcending
the ladder, the. judge advocate arrived with the governor’s
pardon, on condition of their being banilhed to fome uninhabited
29th. Daniel Gordon and John Williams were tried-and
convi&ed o f ftealing wine, the property of Mr. Zachariah
Clarke. Williams being an ignorant black youth, the court
recommended him to the governor as a proper objedt o f
mercy, and he was accordingly pardoned. Gordon, who was
another black, had his fentence of death, while at the
gallows, changed to baniflunent with Lovel and Hall.