WH IT X2i E ’s ‘ JO URN A L OF A
1 $|p fhould,; be found without - the lines, and to leave, them in
charge of the main or quarter guard. - The boats‘dent this
day to filh were;fuc;cefsful. Some of the natives came into
the little bay .or .cove’ where the feme was hauled, and
behaved very friendly. Indeed they carried their civility fo
far, although a people that appeared to be averfe to work, as
to aflid in dragging it alhore. For this kind office they
. were liberally rewarded, with filh, which Teemed to pleafe
them, and give general fatisfadion. r
2 9 th. A convenient placeifor the cattle-being found, the
few that remained were landed.; The frame and materials
for the governor’s houfe, conftruded by Smith in St. George’s
Fields, were likewife fent on fhore, and fame preparations
made for ereding it. This .day. Captain : Hunter and
Lieutenant Bradley began to take a furvey of ;the harbour.
In the courfe of the lad week, all the marines, their wives
and children, together with all the convids, male and female,
were landed. The laboratory and .fick tents were ereded,
and, I am forry to lay, were foon filled with patients afflided
with the true camp dyfentery and the feurvy.: More pitiable
objeds were perhaps never feen. , Not a comfort or
convenience could be got for them, belides the very few we
. V O Y A G E T O N E W S Ö U T H WA ’LES.
had with us. '-jHis excellency.feeing the date thefe poor ob- -1788. f
jeds':wei;e in,;;ordered a. piece of .ground to ; béd inclofe'd, -Februa*£-
for-the purpofe of railing 'vegetables, for1 them. f Thd feeds
that were lown upon this 'OcoalTon, on fird appearing abovfe
ground, looked promifing.d and well,^? but7 foon’ ifter
withered away ; |fwhich was mot' indeed extraordinary, as
they Were ^ott. foWn at a proper fqafo$lbfthe year’.* "The
lick -have incréafed Mhce our landing to fuch a degreë, that
a fpot for a ‘general" hofpital .has-beerl-marked out;'and'.artificers
.already emplbyedmjcr it.: A prbper fpot/' contiguous
t o t hejjj hqfpitah:has; been chofen, to uaife fucR vegetables'fas
can;- be* produced' at this*, lêafön of the year j and where 3.
permanent garden for the ufeófi the- hpfpitaflis, "to" Be
, February id . We had the móft 1 tremendóusthulidef !
and.lightning, with heavy Tain’,' I ever remember tb' have
leehs L
I 'ad- Thismorning fivelheep, belonging to the lieutenant-
governor and quarter-mader, were killed by the lightning -
under a tree, at the foot ofwhiclvanlhed had been built Tor*
them. ! The''branches and'trunk’ of the lÉfiq were Havered
and rent in a very extraordinary manner.
r m 5th. A