CHÆrrODON A rmât*; &*
Choetodon albefcens, corpore ft^ iu j-e p t e in migris» f f i f i i r p in n ee dorjalis Jçie,
, tp r tia longißima, '
;Whiti(h Chætotion, "with fevcn black ftripes on the body, fix fpine#
-ontfhe ‘doÂlfin, itheithird wcay longw
This a|>peai;s t© he-a ^ew and #çry ;éh|g&pt Species p f tf^e
geaus >Ch,ætQdoa. The .jotal length' the fpecimen was
not *nnre .than haiçr ^Dcjhe^» TbiP .fioloujr a Xüyery white,
barker, aad.of afblphbltMtgfj on th,e ,hAçJc>; the jtrar^fvprfe
faXckçj : ^r bajads, *^.-a-iieçj> hJacfcj; ,thç h,üs^nd ,tg|l gfja
broWn. The ihiïd ;tay tpx {pyie <?ƒ Jthe hifi d&ï£al fin js
much linger than the ^eft.
éedoiv. * S>^ààiu/a.tèc6 j 3â/iJfa>.