W H I T E 8sC. J O f R N A L 0 F A
leagues W tlfi leftward of GapeFrion The entrance is good*
and cannot; be mifiafcen, on ixjeodnt o f a/rbmarkabie hill,
fefembli'ng a fugar loaf, that is bh. the Left hand fide; and
fdme iflands before it j one o f which is oblong, and does not,
at fbme diftanee, look ubtike a thatched haide t thejr lid
from the mouth bf the harbour S. by W\ about two leagues*.
Ships going in may run bn either fide. The bar, over
which we carried, feveri. fathom water, is not more than three«
fourths of a mile aenofe, and Well defended fry forts. Thu
ftrangeft is called Santa Cruz* built o n a rock v Oh thfrifor«
board fide ns ybu run in, from which every foot fired at fhips
palling muff take effort. The other, named Fort Toscia, is
fmaller, and built on an ifiand Or rock, on the larboard fide*
a little higher up, and lying contiguous to the main land«.
The tide in the harbour rarefy ebbs and flows more than
feven feet; however, fhips, if poflible, never anchor in. this
nabrow pafs between die forts, as. the bottom is foul, and
the tide runs with confiderahle rapidity*- All danger in
going in, or running out, may be avoided by keeping the
mid .bhannel^'^'d' little bordering on the foai-board fbore.
After -Santa Grufc, fort is pafled, the courfe is nearly N* fcytW’.
and N* N. W .; but, as I before ob&rved, the eye is the beffc
v o y a g e t o t w t ö ï g ü t h Wa l e s .
pilot. When ybu ‘g^; within a snik of a -ftrong fortified
ifiand which lies before the town (only Separated by a nat-
row pafe), called the I fie of Cofotas,,you ate theh in the
great toad jy where we anchored in fifteen fathbm watets
or, fhonM yon have oecafiofi to get nearer the town, yon
may tun to*n4 yhis ifend, oft the .north fide,; .and anthbt-
above.sit, before the Convent of BèftedSrtiaefriavs at the
N. W* end of the êity, before fpofeen of;
The city ^nd harbour are ta n g ly defended and fortified,
but with m y little Judgment óy regularity* The Mlfy rrê
very high, and fo is tf e toafirwhieh has feefe feafcgfj"
romantic, and almoÉ iaaeeeffifrle forminariOtfs, that naturb
of her own accord, without: the aid of fnilifaty. M l, foems
difpofed to defend them-, ^faking every thing into thé
■a&eoüfitv Ï think it ëné of the beft ,Harbours I havé e^ef
foen> and, upon the winde, better ealptflated t& foppfy
the, wants rif people who .haVc long been- aft fea, and foand iii
need of fefrefhment, than- any part of the world* ’ everything
being fo remarkably ehoap.- Beef may be purefrafed
at feven farthings per pound$ hog^* turkeys, and ducks, both
Englifo and Mufeovy, wefe-etiuhlfy foafofiaMl. •
dearer, but foil fold at a lower rate than in England. Fife
L Was