th ro a t# ^ s Irpjyer |>iart nmk 'and. breath red; as are
the rump and vent; the middle of the belly du&y .•green ;
tail da«h,3blnej fringed with chel&mi; feoulders blue 5 the
reft e>f the wing; /the fame, to t -: darker * fe l l , and legs .as
in the tnale.:. 1?
24th. d !ï\kje góveiw?r eevöhéd fché decree by which Corbett
was outlawed $ and he was tried, by the rdimiftal court^
fen ply fpr the -theft die had committed, and fetiteftced to be
hanged. Samuel Payton, a iconvidt,. likewafe received the
feme fentenee, fear ifeioaioüfly entering the marquee .of Lieu*-
tenant Fuzer^ón the nighte o f the 'feurth 'of June., and ft calling
from thence fame feirt-s» dockings* and ooihb&.n His
trial had been put off to the prefent time, on account of a
wound in his head, which he had received from Captain Lieutenant
wfe©:,on hk sefeurn? from the bonfire* foiMnd
Payton in his marquGe> When brought to thé hofpital* .in
copfecjucaoe of.thewound whichbe had received, he was
perfectly fenfelefs,. During the time h e remained under my
care, I frequently admoniftied him to think of the perilous
afld to make known? the accomplic
e s , whom he was fnppofcdolro have. 5 but hehmdy and
uniformly denied hés guilt e and difdaimed his having any
• knowledge