
1788; it cannot, however, be compared to Port Jackïon. While
March- ^ he was there, he faw a great many of the-natives, fome o f
whom he thinks.he had obferved before, either at Botany
Bay ’ or in the neighbourhood of Port jackfon. One‘-of the
females happened to-fall. in love with his great coat; and to
obtain it, fhe. ufed a variety of. means. Firft, fhe danced,
and played a number of antic .tricks.; but ^finding this mode
ineffectual, fhe had recourfe to tears, which fhe- fhed plentifully,
iThis expedient not anfwering, (he cealfedifrom weeping,
and appeared as cheerful as any of the. party around/ her*
From this little incident^Ji*!lf.jDj3d;fè^(*fiat-. they arëihot a
people devoid óf art^ ^ At. Broken Bayimany of the females,-
young and old,.had the firft joint of the- little finger* on
their left hand, cut : off.. As this was the cafe with; tho.fe
who were married, or appeared to. be. fb from their having
young children, as well as with thofe who were .tóö; yóüng
for a connection of that nature, it was not poffible to Account
for the eaufe of-luch an amputation. Thefts and depre^
dations on one another have become fo very frequen t grid gl aring
among the convicts, that fcarcely a day paffes without fome of
thefe miferable delinquents being punifhed. So hardened in
wickèdnefs and depravity are many of them, that they feem
1 infenfible
infenfible to the fear oflcorporalipunifhment, or even death
itfelf.o I :l> -1.' 1 L , v H E ;< - | >
The prihcipal bufinefs going forward at prelent is erecting
cabh.age4free t huts for the”Ïofficers, ffoldiers1, ".and cónvdÖs ;
fomè ftorerhoufes, &c. |g and a very good's-hofpital; ; ail
which in the completion will: coft a great 'deal of time and
trouble, as the timber of this countryis very-unfit for the
purpoferqf buildyig.,"» Nor do I knj^wtdnyidnè pürpofe for
which it wffl anfwer, .except for fire-wood f and. for that it
is excellent : but, in other refpeéts^ it is the worft wood
tbatf any country or' climate ‘ ever produced ; although fome
of the • tf ees*r iwhen Handing, appear fit for arty ufe whatever,
mafts for Ihipping not excepted. Strange as it-may be imagined,
no wood in this country, though fa wed .evert fo thin,
and driëd !*evcr To well, will float. Repeated trials have
only ferved"to convince' me that, immediately on immerfion,
iyfinks to the bottom like a ftone.
•ffhe ftóne of this country is excellent fëfdbuildjng, could
any kind of cement be found to keep itAogéther. There ’is ,
not ,any lime-ftone (T believe) in New' South Wales. - The
gQverrior., notwithf1anding that he had uêlltéted together
all thè fhells-. ^vhich could “'be* ftmrtd, for the purpofe of
■ obtaining