W H I T E ’’s--'' | Ô ü B. N A.L 0 5 A.
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tqgfa Celling tor the . !qo^t«ti&. bead& jfW did ,a|»o$*é4.
©nthe ©utfid.e of jgp door. I awa I equld àqfe help re-
jfembjing. them* to> mountebanks, vending and difiribnting;
their npffeuffis..- . .There were many more of thefe religious,
froo^-fosse o f ivdiPW) as I faw k wasl
the cuffom>.. I purqhafed a few o f their beadssr: AT a lktlte
diffânee front, the doorof the cburchwas ertrffejd a» ftagp,.. q*
which- was placed a band of vocal and inffrumental, per-?-
formers,. who exerted. themftlÿës with might ’ and main tap-
pleafe; tbc/fiitxonnding audience,. J cannot» bowevfer, làyr
tbat they fiieeeeded&ip■ pleâfing; me-. About;temofofoek æ
difplay of fireworks and rockets,, of' whiefo;the- -Portugu.ezet
feemdc^be wry fond-, concluded'- the* entertainments of the:,
day,. Some intrigues,, It have reâfon to believe, followed."
î was Içd to- this e.onclufion. from, feeing many well-dre&dJ
women in> the. crowd, quite üiiattended ‘r and this wa£ the;
©niy. time, during my flay in- the country^, that? I ever fâvy4
any circumllances which could warrant my forming foch art
©pinion*. I lindw it has been averted* by. fomé'writers* that:
the womenf of Rio do Janeiro are not uncCnfurable; in this,,
point, They have affirmed^ that- as- foornas it- became dark,*
the generality of them; expofed, themfetees; 4t . their doors»
TCTYAGE TO n e w S rq p T ti WALES*
and windows,. diftinguifhing, by prefents of npfegays and
ffowersr thole on' whom- they had no object ion t© beftow
their favours; a, diftia£tio(a.inj whiehjbrangers Ihasred as well
as their acquaintance.. That - tfos^might^have. beeiaMihe .caffe-
I wiffi not. take, upon me to^dteuy^japidy impreffed.wkh.th©'
idea, on my drff arrival-,, I confidesedkevery - woman, as- a
proper objedt of gaflantry but a month’s reliden.ee amhhg
them convinced' me that this imputed tiam/for intrigue'is*
chiefly confined tb-the loweri.clafsi, and'-that,, in- general^ thd
higher ranks 'drqyas- .-imdefervingr ofoiko imputation's the
fomales of any other country^/
rrrThe popularity of..our eammodore with' the viceroy and
principal inhabitants here, procured' for the officers tho
liberty erf going, .wherever they pleafed. It has* always' been»
fcfecu&omy for a foldier to follow every fojteigw- offifcey that:
landed at this.- p o r t a n d it ’.was -fc&c.ehy>ue verd 'dilpenfod
with. I t was,;.however., .unknown foms *, and this unaccustomed
liberty* gave us an .opportunity; o f infped-ing more*
minutely; into* the. manners, and dafpofitionwof, the women as
well,-as the;m e n ,i . ^v ^ k m ^
„fo.iffoi This being;the. Prince of Brazil’s birth-day* the;
Spmmsdore,. withffmafi: o f his oflSaersv went to .court, tQ*>