2. B. pyriformis. Gaértn. 220. t. 47/*. 1.
This fpecies was unknown to Linnaeus; and as Gaertner has
given no fpecific .character of k , we beg leave to offer the
Bi jloribus folitariisy capJuKs ovatis pubefcentibupy Jioliis
lanceolatis integerrimis glabrts,
Bankfia with folitary flowers, ovate downy capfifles, and
lance-fhaped entire fmooth leaves.
The capfeles axe larger than in any; either known fpecies.
in the figure they are xeprefented fomewhat ftnafier than
she life .; bnl the feed is given as large as life. -
3. B. gibbofa. :Bi: da£tylohles Gtatrfrn* 2.2,1. jf- 4.% J< 3. ^
B. Jloribus ’.JbUfdmky jcapfulii ovatis gibbojis foliis
teretibiis.. -
Bankiia with folitary flower.s; ovate, tumid, ;rhgged cap-
fules; and cylindrical leaves.
We fufpeét this to be the Bankiia dadyloides .of -Guerttieri
but if fo, his figure is by no means a good one* :as he jj&
generally very accurate, we are rather inclined to believe