g i ig
Mows with, great ftrength arid-f fury; indeed fbmetirri.es 'fó*
violently as. tOi fliake the houfes'tq the' Wry foundation.'
For- the Tame reafon, thatch has been ufually; preferred to
tiles ;or fhingles ; but the tad effects that have proceeded5
frohi this mod® when ffims happen* has indriced^the1 inhabitants
in all their new buildings to give the preference to'
flates and tiles. The lower partsof the houfes, apobjdirig to
the euftom of the Dutch'nation, are not only uncommonly
neat and'jcfean in appearance, but they are really fq ; - and:
thé^mMié-;is';jstther lieh than elegant. But this jl is-by'
no naeans the.cafe with the bed-rooms or üppéri apartments^
which ate more’ barely and würfe futnilhed than' ahy X eyéF'
-Jaml'dtt«v.dhr«3eis feem-to be much. .upoffijTj>arx
with them, they being rough? uiievefr, and unpaved. I was,-
howeyerji ripon thé: wholesmftremely ’well pleafed v(u-thfthe>
town. Many óf thehoufosffiave a {pace flagged before- the'
door,; and .others have trees’planted before thèriï, which-fotm
n pleafant fhade, and give pleafing novelty to thé-teëëts.:
The ónly landingrplace is at the eaft end of the town,
wherethere is :a\ wooden quay, running ^fdfcne- pace's-into'
the feay ;with fevèral. cranes qn it,f for-the convenience of
loading and unloading thefcoots that come^along fide. To
this,place-excellpntiwater-ils bonveyedhy pipes, -which makes l1$7-
thei(watering,©0jfinps|bo'tHieafyjand .expeditMusi? ■>#<;<- . . October
■ Clp’fe.kto-t^is qnayp on .the left hand, ftands the caftle
and t principal ffqrtjrefs; a ftroh’g;, extenfive work? having
excellent,; accommodations for .the,:troop», 1 andjtfor many, of
the civil, officers belonging, to the company. Within the gates*
theL,.company have j^heir principal ftores; which are fpa-i
ciotfs as;Welt as, convenient. This forts covers- and defends ;the
eaft part ,of the tqwma'nd harhoupjiasi Amfterdain fort does .the
»WejP^part. The'lafter, which" has; been,,built fincc cofejMqi ‘
dprejohnftone’.s. expeffitiqn,; and:.whereon both French- and
Dutqh judgments haye been »united to render it effedtua],
and ftrongjp .is admirably-planned and calculated! tp annoy
andjhprafs,;£hip&,. conpngbinto .the bay-.; Some fmaller: detached^
fc&tifiedtions extend along; the coaft/ feojhvtofthe eaft
anfi weft,' and, make landing, which -was hbt theLciiM before!
the late “>va%, ha,zardog| and. difficulty In a word, Cape.
Townjs at, tips time, fortified,4^it;h ftre.rigth, regularity} arid-
_,rXhe£e;nr%two phurches^ here 3 ^ope , large* plain^" and
unadorned,^fiorm the' .Galviffi%U thej prevailing fb<%? ahd a
frnaller pne for th,e| Lutherans.
0jThe hofpkal-,tuwhichl i|i;lafge .»apd. extenfive, is fituated HSiBBBBHB i [ at