AtjtHe^en&tpfithisiwelfell in'with a fmall fait-water lagoon,”
, on; which we-found, ninèr birds, that, whilft IwimmihgJ moft
perfe&ly fefembled; the' ra ra 'qtifc óf the ancien'ts;—a black
fwan.' We/Jifchargèd' feveral fbot at them, but, the diftancë
was tpo great for Execution-: ’ Óur frequent firing, however*
caufed them to' takeMihg^ and they"flew towards the fea,’
which waswefy/near,, in,-the ordbfvtha? Wild’ geefé generally'
prefe'rye; the cone fibeforei the :oth'er?'-n Had iwe not raifed
' them/ we=- fhould certainly shaves concluded' that they were
blaqk fwans.; but their flight' «gate us‘ an*- opportunity of
feeing fome wh-iterfeatRers, which'ter initialed thé tip rof each?
wing, in every .“©.the? paft they.' were-pef fedtly blacks Their
■ fl^e appeared not equal tchithat-of£an European fwan," but
the^fliape exadtly coriefponded, except about the wings,*
, ■ yfch^eh Teemed rather fmall* for thé body. We not long after
dlfcovlfethyhe great brown King’s.Fifheiy of which a plate
y, 'isianhexed.^ T h is ’ bird has been defcribed by Mr .L a th a m
ip H B B ird s, p. óóy, nearly to>
the .following purport ,t=4 -Thé length eighteen inches; the
bill black., above., and white beneath;; the feathers’ of the \
bead narrow,: an'd pretty .long, fo as: to form a kind of creft.
They , are o f a brown colour, ftrèaked with paler brown y the
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