T H E H E P O O N A R O O .
This animal is of . the fize of a.fmaU. rabbit : it Has a broad
flat body, the head a good deal refembles that of the fquir-
fel : the? eyes are full, prominent,; andlàrge: :the ears broad
and.thin : "its: legs iflatirt,- and its. tail :vcry‘ long.'.' _Between
the fore and hind legs, on each fide,- is placed a doubling of
thé fkin of the fide, which, when the legs are extended
laterally, is as it were pulled out, forming a bfoad lateral wing
or fin, and when the legs are.made; life of in'walking, this-
Ikin, by. its elaflicity, is drawn clofe ta the fide- of the anitnah,
and forms a kind of ridge, on which the hair hat a peculiar ‘
appearance. In this refpédt it iis Very fimilar to the flying
fquirrel of America. -
It has fire toes on each fore foot, with {harp nails. The
hind foot has alio fivë: toes, but differs çonfiderably
from the fore foot ; one of the toes may be called a thumb,
having a broad nail, fomething like that ö f the Monkey or
Opoflum : what anfwers to the fore and middle, toes are
united in one common covering, and appear like one toe