the dogs ; for it has very, little or no fat about it, and,
when fkinned, the flefti’ bears fome likenefs to’ that,of a
fox or lean dog.
A few days fince a civil court of jurifdidtion (which p
confifted of the'judgc advocate, the Reverend Mr. .Johnfon,
and myfelf), was convened, by his "excellency,- to ihear
a.i complaint made againft Duncan. Sinclair, matter of the
Alexander tranfport, by-Henry Cable and Sufannah his
■ wife I (this Norwich convi&s who fo much excited the ,
public - attention), for the non-delivery of a parcel- fent on
board the, Alexander* by Mrs. Jackfon ’of 'Soifteffet"Street, - ’
containirig wearing apparel, 'books, and other’ things,
for the'.ufe of"the; fard . Henry Coble,ihis ’ wife, and child,*
value twenty'pounds. ’ The parcel was proved. (and this
even by the acknowledgment o f the matter) to have been
received on board; and it likewife* appeared' in evidence'
that, on movipg it from one part of the {hip to another,
the package had broken, and the books had fallen out,"
which books'1 the convidt faid had been delivered to him.
The. court, after dedu&ing five pounds’(the value of- the
books received), gave a verdidt in favour of the couple,
in whofe - caufe the world had feemed fo much to intereft
and in confeqijence of the authority unto them granted by
-A-dt of Parliament, in fijgh <tafgp made and. provided,
they adjudged the matte? of the trajifgort fully to som-
penfate the Infs of the convicts, amounting to fifteen
pounds. Sinclair eonfidered it as eppreffive t.o he obliged
tP pay for that on apepynt of which he had RQt repeived
any freightage; but this obje$:i9fi had no weight with
the court, as the fhip was in the fervice of government,
and paid for the foie purpofe of conveying thefe people,
and the little property which they poflefied, to this
e o s s try.
July 13th. The Alexander, Friendfhip, and Prince
of Wales tranfpoits, with the Borrowdale vidtualler, failed
for England. His Maj.efty’s brig the Supply failed at
the fame time for ^Norfolk Iflapd, with provifions, &c,
for the people there.
2 itt. I went down the harbour, with the matter o f
the Golden Grove victualler, to look for a cabbage tree, as
a covering for my hut. On our return, we fell in with three
canoes that had been out fifhing. We rowed towards them,
when the natives in them fuddeojy appeared intimidated,
and paddled away with all poflibje difpatch. Willing to
B b convince