
WHITE'S e.J'O tTR N AtL 0 :f a
compliment the vieetby |on the occafipn. -‘As foon. as-iwd
landed, we were-recei ved -by an officer, whoicahdtóedrus .to
the 'prefence-chamber ; | where his. excellency -flood under a
canopy :of date, deceiving -the compliments of -the officers
o f -the garrifon, Jthè principal, inhabitants, and fueh foreign^
ers as were in the place. After having paid auj^Jped^. we
withdrew, as did every other perfon, except the’ principal
officers of-ftate, fomebgeneral and law-officers,, and.thofe^of
the .governors’ houfehold. The airius-rand- onpiMo%. forts
fifed royal falutes. The court was brilliant, if a place-where
a female does not appear can befaid to be -brilliant j but this,
I was informed, is always the cafe here'. Thofe-gentlemen
who appearëddn the circle were .richly.and elegantly dref£.
ed. The officers of the army and of theinilitia were particularly
fo, and that in a ftile and faffiibn .which did no fmall
credit to their tafte. The viceroy wore a fcarlet coat trimmed
with very broad rich gold dace ; band his hair, ^according to
his ufual mode of wearing it, in a- remarkable long queue,
with very little powder g an article ofdrefi to;, which I observed
the Portugueze were not very partial; while, on the
contrary,- they were profufe in .the .ufe -of pomatum* ,;.The i
day .ended without apy other demonftrations of joy... As th<?
V O Y A G-ïffT Or N%W • S O # H , WA L E S ; 1. " ^
PèrtugufezeTêemed fond’ofsfireTyoiks and illuminations," and 1787;
never -fail ;tol‘exhibit tHem’ïon ^vefyfreligi^us|Seftival,' we September,
were- not ’ a . little .difappoihtëd’. in finding :theinr omitted on
thes birthbdaybofbtheir prince;
‘^ 8 t f t .' J amcbPakerffa- pritate Marine^ r e c c e d two Sun/'
drpd l^ffiè,sj- agfèeablb to J the. fehtMce-foPai court-martial,, for
endeavouring ’fofget pafled -bn« ffidreyhb}dmeahs of onè of’Jhe
feamen, a’ fpuri®ai:;4p'lla% krioyvin^ig toib^lfc^;, <F and one'he
had undoubtedly? got .from fome o f ; thfe('-<fofavi'<£is$?asl i t . was
of a fimilar bafé'-raetal tö thqfo, which1 they had coined dtur-
ing thé' paflagèj, and? had. attempted-- tdput\offi dm bur firft
arrival? at this, port* '
- a September iffi ^Having-now-, procured every thing'at Rib
de^ Janeiro- that, we- flood’ in néed of, dnd-thofoughly feco-'
vered-and-refrfefhed our jieople'^ihe^bomifib(lbVe,b||ith.r fuch
officers of the? fleet’as boJdi.be fpared fform duty^' waited on
théwiceroy to tak^léave^and.tö.Eeturn our acknowledgments
for thb indulgence ancfatf entiqn ffiown wfiibh!, T think '
we may-fayWe experienced in'a greafercextent and'latitude91
than anyTqxeignpfs -fladder before done- On qur’ landing,
the! fame .officer whoffiad attended us upon-.e'tety other pub^
lie ocgafipn; .conduced; jus to "the prefepeebchamber. As wb !