B M W — I R O CL
This animal is about the fiz e o f a Racoon,' is of a dark
grey colour ,on theTbackj.'becoming rather Tighter on the
fides, which terminates in a’rich! brown on the belly. The
hair is of two kinds, a long hair, and a kind of fur, -andr
«yen(the:hong hair,>-at.the roots,c-is of the fur kind.
• -^The head is fhort; the^eyes rather prominent ; the ears
broad, not peaked;
' The teeth refemble thofe of all..the' animals from tha|t'
country I: have-hitherto Te,en. ~.J.
' "The.incifors.are;not.continued into the grinders by. intermediate
-teeth,/although there are two'teeth in the interme,-
diate fpace in the upper jaw, and one in the lower.- „The
incifors are iimilar to thole o f the .Kangaroo, and fix in number
in the upper jaw, oppofed by two in the lower, which;
haV,e? an oblique furface extending fome diftance from their
edge/ fo as to increafe the furface of contact.
, • There are two cufpidati on each fide in the upper jaw,- and
only one in the lower; five grinders on each fide of each