
*787. lency Mynheer Vasa Graaf, the Dutch governor, by whom we
OiSober. . were received with extreme civility and politenefs. A few
hours after we had taken leave, he called on the commodore
at his lodgings, to retntn his viifit; and the next day returned
the vifit o f finch. officers, refiding on fhore, as had.
paid their refjpeds to him.
Notwithstanding this ftudicd politenefs, fêveral days
elapfed before the commodore could, obtain a eategorieal&n-
lwer to the requifition he had made for the fup plies he flood
in need o f for the expedition : and had it not been for- thé
judicious perfeveranee Commodore Phillip ©bferved, in urg-
bag his particaalar jfituation, and the uncommon exigency of
the feryice he was engaged in ; itwas~beli,eved the governor,
fifeal, and council» would have fheltered their refufal under
the pretence that a great ifcarcitjy had prevailed inf5i ie Cape
colony the preceding feafon, particularly of wheat and oom,
which were the articles we flood moft in want of. 'This
idea they wifhed to imprefs us with; but, as juft obfert^d*
the commodore’s fagacity and induftrious zeal .for the fervice
fubdued and got over the fupinenefs fhown by the governor*
&o. and procured permiffion for the contractor to fupply us
with as much flock, com, and other. neceftaries, as we could
, flow.
IpsyMlt* is^hodteverj much td&be lamented: tliat. the quantity *787,-
weeo'uld.(find-ro0riy.for M'lwefyjfhbrt!df what' we ought to oaober-
have taken ini-;: as* §fte'%ilyl*fpar'e room we had, was what had
been ocoa-fioried by'it h e cbttfumpti onv; of provifiqns, &c.'f!nce
* we lef&tRiO id'essJ.aneirdV'<.an'd<the'; reproval' of|twenty! .»female
-conyidftf fromnthe Rriendffiip into'the Cha’rlojte, the Lady Pem*
rhyh, >■ and--. the Prince: of.WalCs.V,
•After the fupplies. had been granted;his\exqelAencyGoverhor
Graaf invited* therCommodorey and manyrbf the officers o f the
expedition/.tOf-a*very handfomei dinn6rcat bis- tbwurefidence.-
«hGjufe-. ^-wMich. .wfe Iwferetefatertairiedij is- delightfully,
fituSated, nehrl-yl'.inithet'centro o f an* extenfivergardfen, \ fhe
and*at the fame time* feiegaofly laid out. xThe .goverfior’s’
femily ' ir&keh what ufe' thcy-pleafe- ofrthe'/prSdue^ o f the
garden, - which’ isb various and abundant ^HwOfoSprigmat
intention o fM e company in appropriating fo<. extenfive, a-
piecet?of *’ground* to*;this purpofe’ .was, that theiri hofpital,
which ^'generally pretty full M e n their ffh’ips! arrive after
long vbyage^pmayrbe- wplh fupplied with^frufts- andv vegetables
» „and i.likewife thatVthek-.fhips may'"'receive a fimilar
M This