The head is flat fideways, but not fo much, fo as the true
IScalpris Dentata.. The ears are neither long nor fhort, but
smach like ithofe o f a moufe iaproportian to the fize of the
animal. '
The fore legs are fhort in comparifon to the hind. There
are four toes on the fore feet, the two middle are long, and
nearly of equal lengths, with long narrow nails, ilightly, bent;
the , two fide toes .are fhort, and. nearly equal in fize, but, the
•outer rather the larged. " ;From the nails on the two middle
toes, one would fuppofe that the animal burrowed. ' Their
hind legs'are longj, and it is in their power to dand either on
the whole .fdot, or on the toes only.
1 On; the hind legs are three toes, the middle one krge^ and
the two fide, ones fhort; The tail is long., The hair on the
body is rather thin ; it is o f two kinds, a fur, and. a. long
hair, which .lad becomes exterior from its length. . The fur
is the fined, and is compofed of ferpentine hairs; the long
hai r is dronger, and is, alfbiferpentine, for more than two