T H E C R E S T E D C Q C K A T O O .
- Psit^acus Cristati^ Lilt»
1 6annot regard thishiwi in any other vie w than as a
variety of the Pfittacus Crfftatus: of Linnaeus* or large white
Cockatoo, which- has been de (bribed by aim ©ft all ornithor
logifts>' a’hd figured in feveral works of Natural Hiftoiy.
Th? bird jeems jiable; to great» v^iatien both as to fiz© and*
colour; th e : white in fome Being of a much purer appearance
than in others, and the yellow* on the creflf and’ tail
more predominant. All the varieties'yet known agree in
having the beak and leg& blackifh. - The individual fpeci-
men here figured feemed of a fomewhat flenderer form than
ufual. The colour net a pure whiter,, but {lightly- tinged?
on the upper parts, and particularly on thet joeek , and
{boulders, with duiky* The feathers on the, front white,,
but the long lanceolate feathers below them, which form the
ere ft, of a pale jonquil-yellow. The tail white above, and*
pale yellow beneath;- asrare alfothe:wings*