W H I T E ’ S J O t J R & A L O F A
voured, entrails, . bones,-and all. The little girlwas- much
frightened, arid endeavoured To'hide herfelf behind ;tji,e
old man-, . to \ efcape the leaft obferVatiori. ,
30th.. Captain Campbell o f the-marines, who had | been
up the harbour to procure To.me.ruffies for,thatch, brought
to the hofpital the- bodies of William Okey and Samuel Davis,
two rulh-eutters, whom he had found murdered,by the natives
ih. a Ihocking manner.* Okey- was transfixed through tlje
breaft with one of their fpeara, '.which with great difficulty
and force Was pulled out. He had two other fpears flicking
in him to .a depth which have- proved tjjortaK His
ikull was divided and comminuted fo much' that his
brains eafily found a paflage through. His eyes were out,
but thefe might have been picked away by birds. Davis
was a’ youth, and had only fome trifling marks -jof violence
about him. . This lad could not have been many hours dead ;
for when Gaptain Campbell found him, which, was among
fome mangrove-trees, and at a. confiderable diftance fro'm
the; place where the other man lay, he was not ftiff, nor very
cold ; nor was he perfedtjy fo when brought to the hofpital.
From thefe circumftances we have been led to . think :th;at
.while they were difpatching Okey, he had. crept to' the