40 ■ W H I T E ’ S J O U R N A L * p M S A
W m Phillip needful,; and: aGcorffingly we^ on; board, the; Sirius
J“ly‘ , for thatpurpofe; 'Captain Phillip, who npon
Showed great humanity .'and attention to the people, with:
4he moft obliging readinefs fent Mr. King,. one of his lieutenants,;
on hoard the Alexandö with me, fa order to exa^
mine into the Hate of the fhip ; charging :him, at thèfame
s^ime, wifh the mqfll pofttive and pointed inftrucMons iq the
rpafter of the ihip inftantly to fet about: fweetening arid
purifying 'h®". This commiffipEu Mr. King executed. I with
great propriety and expedition; and ky the ^reMfcxis: Be
-^ve^’fnch effedtual means were made u£b of; that the evil
•was foon eorre£ted: and not Bong after all' the people, who',
fufferhrg from the effects of it, were under MrvBalmain,
my affiftant’ s, care, got quite rid o f the. complaint. I now1
returned to the Sirius, and folicited an iincreafe of water ;
which Captain. Phillip; with equal readlnefii complied with ;
mid asr‘we had By this time got into a. regular fouth-eaft
trade wind, our allowance ferved tolerably well j -every man
having three quarts a day. >
. ükd. The weather moderate and cloudy, in lat 90 6' S.
long. z 6° 4' W. we faw a noddy and two pintado Birds^
At night, the commanding officer o f marines having m i
reived information! that '-three men had made! their Way, ,
through the hole cut for the admiffion of the windfall, into
the ..apartment of the female^^oAdi<%s, ^againft an exptefs
.order iffued for that purpofe, he apprehended them, and put
them in. confinement.for trial.
:i}:2gd;.c . The -wea^hèi. being dark and' cloudy,’ with heavy
rain and ftpong breezes, thfe Sirius carried- away Bkr matfi-
topfai'hyard, ' in the flings; which* hokeVéi; IhJkTittk timè
Ihé got. replaced. In the evening'We* faw- fome grampufes
- 26th. In l a t i t u d e 18' fouth, the 'Sifhis made the
fignkl. for the lohgrt-ddi^hy^lunar obfer-vation, which was
foupd tohe'O'tpnjIf >W< Strong’ breezes and cloudytyeather.
The Borrowdale victualler carried away her fcMtop^gallant-
maft. .This eyèning we óbfervedfêmé 'flying-jflfh, very
different from thofe we had before feen. They had wings
oirhotlylhe head aqd tall; and when in the aift-oMying, were
far'd by our people to refemble a' double-headed-fliot. About
fix o’clock the Alexander brought- to, and hoifted out a
boat in. order to pick lip a man who had fallen over board
from the fpanker b oom; but, as he funk before the boat
could reach him, the attempt proved ineffectual.
G 1 H B zyth.