\V pj. i T? E* s- J O U R K A L O P A
the place where the body bad been burnt in a large fee. ,
This, in 'a i likelihood, was Burn, who was carried off at
the time Ayres was wounded, as he has not been- heard
of fiime.
The natives* of this- country, though their mode o f fob-
fifting feems to be fc very fcantyandi precarious, are, P
am convinced, not cannibals. One of their graves, which?
I fàw openèd, the only one-1 have met with,^contained *
body which had evidently been burnedV as fmall pieces of
the bones lay in the bottom off it; The- grave was, neatly'
made* and- well covered with earth and boughs o f
T h e Pewumtim' IPawoP (of which fée plate annexed^ was-*
about this time foil noticed. The general colour of the body,
in- the mate, is crimfon ; the feathers of the back bfeefe M
their middle* ; the ehin and throat blue ; the wings Mue* with
â ban of a paler colour down the middle of them-; thé tail is
jbng, and* blue alfo, and all but tbetwo middle feathers have
the ends very pale.
T h e fe m a le differs* in having the upper parts o f the neck
and" body of » -gneenifo- colour ; the top* of the head* réd*
and a patch-of; the fame- undèr each- eye; tHe chin- and