birds of./ev^ral .fp#ci^§.°^ Tb^gi-llaindoisfivery barren,jj arid: not
mpre cjrcujn.feejSc.QjpL
2.5th. ’yj.Tbe Scarborougbj Lady
tr^fp$r^|yL^ipg^ otearedn cdhigovernrneot ftores, i\^rfetdWr
-charged ..from.; tf e idej»o@fefTand‘ tarifcihoq^>M ddpartj-fdjr
iCbj^a,.: in.order _to load home with-tea,i they* being chartered
purpbfe.7 j
(hi April ifftkj 7 Irisfe^elfe^j^aAterided/iyLieritena?mf-• IfcjH
of. the. navy,' Lieutenant ;Qeorge.;Johriftonto f ;the . marines,
Jthe judge advocate, my felly three foldiersy and two feamen,
landed: in [Manly tG6ve ;; (fo called from theniarilyLdoridudb of
Ithe natives when the .governor firft yifited>^t),; on »the norfth
fide of^the entrance fnto Port Jaekfon; harbour*. ;in order, to
.tragei tgrit? fouree- a: ri^eri ;whjeh had .been difeoyertcd a-few
•days beforei^ We, however, found this impr<a6icable, owing
to a thicket and fwamp which ran along the fide of it.. The
governor, r®^pjaa? feateqube^alL bheiknbPledge Mtlfoetfcmkr-
t r y i f f e i g d the’ river in two planes, and;» [more .
•than; up to our .waifts in water, in hopes of bding? ablet«to
avoid the-thjeket. and’ fwamp.but, hotwithftanding »all his
(perfeveranee,. We „were at ’ length obliged to return,, arid to *
proceed along the fea Shore, a mile or two to the northward.