
more flexible. There ate five toes on the fore feet, the:
middle the largeft, falling off on each fide nearly equally
hut the fore, or inner toe, is rather fliorteft r. they are thin»
from fide to fide, the nails are pretty broad, laterally, and;
thin at their hafe ; not very long but- fharp ^ the animal
walks on its whole palm, on which: there is no; hair. The
hind feet are pretty long, arid have five toes that which
anfwers to Our great toe is very fliort, and has no nail ; the
next is the longeft in the whole, falling gradually off to the.
outer toe; the fliape o f the hind toes is the fame as in the
fore feet, as are likewife the nails ; i t walks' nearly On the
whole foot. The tail is long and covered? with long hair,,
but not all o f the lame colour.
The teeth of this creaturo ate different Irom any other,
animal yet known. The mouth is full of teeth. The
lower jaw narrow in companion to the upper, more efpecially.
backwards, which allows of much broader grinders in this
jaw than in the lower, and which occafions the grinders in the
upper jaw to project confiderably over thofe in the lower.
In the middle the cufpidati oppofe one another, the upper
piercers, or .holders, go behind thofe o f the lower ; the
fecond clafs of incifors in the lower jaw overtop thofe o f
the upper while t ie two firft in the lower go within, or
behind thofe of the upper. In the upper jaw, before the
holders, there are four teeth .on. each fide, three o f which are
pointed, the point Handing on the inner furface; and the .
two. m front are longer, ftarid more obliquely forwards,
and appear to he appropriated for a particular ufe. The
holders are a little way behind the laft.fore teeth, to allow
thofe of the lower .jaw to come between. They are pretty
long, the cufpidati oa each, fide become longer and larger
towards'the grinders ; they are points or cones placed on a
broad hafe. «
There are four grinders on each fide; the middle two the
largeft, the laft the leaft ; theirbafe is a triaUgle iof thefear.
lenus kind,-.- or having. one angle obtufe and twp acute.
Their bafe is conapofed of two furfaces, an inner and an
outer, divided by procefles or p o i n t s i t . isjitlhe' inner that
tjie grinders o f the lower jaw oppofe, when the mouth is
regularly ftiut. The lower jaw has three fore teeth, or incifors,
on each fide; the firft confiderably the largeft, projeft-
ing obliquely forwards ; the other two of the fame kind, but
fmaller, the laft the fmalleft.
The holder in this jaw is not fo large as in the upper jaw,
O o \ 0 ! and .