known by fuppofingthe parts joined together at the lettered ends:
the fhaft confifts of two pieces, a large and a fmall one, joined
by the gam: and the head is compofed of four fticks inferted
into the fhaft with gum, and tied together above with flips of
ba:rk, which are afterwards tightened by little wedges, driven
within the bandag^: each of thefe fticks is terminated by the
tooth bPfarfifh, very fharp, and ftuck on by a lump of the gum
cement: the ' fhaft of this inftrument is pun&ured in many
pla^'^ith very fmall holes, to the pith in the centre, but for
what purpofe is not known.
H. is a Hatchet, of which the head is a very hard black pebble
{tone, rubbed down at one end to an edge; the handle is a ftick
of elaftic wood, fplit, which being bent round the middle of the
ftone, • and the extremities brought together, is ftrongly bound
with flips of bark, and holds the head very firmly, as fmiths
chifiels are held by hazel fticks in Europe.
S. is a kind of blunt Sword, of hard wood, like the head of
the fpear A.
F. feetns to be an inftrument of offence; it is a ftick of the
natural growth, with the bark on; the root of which is cut
round into a large knob; the end F. is made rough with notches,
that it may be held more firmly in the hand.
R. is