A P Pf E’’ N*v D I X.
N EW H O L L A N D C R E E P E R , Female.
T 4e general colours of th e female rare the fame as in the
^iale,: but lefs vivid ; n o r has it Ih^ white markings'on the
anc* the eye,-'but on the%heeks only.
The back and br-eaft,,are black without, white interfperfions.
The abdomen, black,,'ftrea-ked with duiky w h ite r the yellow
;<P tjie \ytegja n d tail inclining "toffan olivaceous green^ the
in the latter obtufely pointed/*' A fcapulary of
brown adorns the Jkoulders, ^.terminating in a, lanceolate
fiapeAhg|f- way down the back.
In this bird the- bill' is longer ,t and- the/ legs^a'nd, general
%-miffouter than the male.