We>gave thermfbm^ibiead?, - wMchrtheyreceived with apparent
pleafurdj.but did,riot||at any of it while-in/our prefence..,
We/likev^ilg» presented them i with a ' k>oking-iglafs* but
^‘|iis^theyv'^0ei.yed*!with indifference1,^amdMfeemecb to hold
in no kind;’ of^feftimatiom. I,f gayfe^onea o f1 the wome^a
po^ket^handkerchie^b-which, fhe-- immediately« tied ground
her ;headt,.\%nd ihe^edys/great^ fatis^$ion.|§^She.\ had ; a
^oli/hg^ehild)- betykoenherl knees,' ih;;dh^a^de^^(t;Ke' way in
which rhin a l ways. -carry thei'r mfants|||d;ot;, .vyhopi; fhe-
folicited* fomething, J^’o^hetr nioft. /hp^liant1 tone^o^^cq,
I .etier t, only- thing I had 'aboute me*jyfs^a
narrow - flip of linen, which I. gaye | her-5 handvtrifling
4sv it* was,; jfhe appeared,to be perfe£tly>,-fatisfied' w,ith it^
atid v -bound^ ’itj round ithe^ ,clMld|sj. head.;-t Shq;t would,? not,
come out of the canoe, though along-fide , the rocks ; | but
thje. man quitted.’ it,.. aihd * fhewe'd5 us; fame,- wild* figsj, that,
grew -nfearj^t hand. iSuchj, as jwierej^gre,en..>and unripe^ he,
dji-d; not- pully-.but^.ja-fter^ lome feafch, having-found,‘phq,
. that w.as ’ tolerably ripe, he made , me pluck it and put
it into his mouth. He eat. it with, an a apparent^-reHfb,
and fmackqdjjhis .lipsjomfte^rhe-had rfwallo^ed it,, to
convince us how good it was.
A t