inhabits Botany Bay,' and 'fg#Ms much allied
* iJefonbfid- by Mr. ^Mam> in his
H n | B i r d f j but in that the head, neck, arid under
■ j5%r;tsj inline-; to^putpliih».^ itehtjedlate - colour; both quills
arid -ta¥ afc&Iblue, 'mordAo^pefs edged- with green, and a
crefcerit of-blue^rthe feacbipart E ith e r neck; (it has alfo,
the dnder jaw’furrounded with green fathers, It is probable,
therefore, that $ur bird is only a variety of the Tabuan
\ 4 June 4th. -This' being-the | ahhiverfifcy -of - his Majefty’s
birth-day,!arid the’firfl: deldbrationof it in New South Wales,
his, excellency Wdered the Sirius=and Supply to fire twenty-
one gun^Sat fun-rife, at .'one o ’clock, * and at fun-fct. Immediately
:after the KingVfhips had ceafe-d firing, at one
cfclock,' -thfei Bmrbwdafo/ Friendfhip, ' Fiihburne, Golden
Grove’, and--Prince;, of Wales, fired-’fivejj guns each.' The
-battalion was. under arms’ at twelve^ and fired three vollies,
fucceedecf'by three^eheefs., After this cerembny-’had taken
•plane, the lieuteriant-gdvefnorV with: all the offihers>of the
fettlement, civil and-' railitary}.;paid their irefpe&i to his
excellency* at his' h^ufe.,’ A t two o’clock they all. met
there again to dinner,, during which the band-of mufick
? played