emits a fmell very much refembling that of a mixture of
balfam of Tolu and benzoin, fomewhat approaching,; to ^
ft or ax. It is perfectly foluble in fpirit of wine, but not in
water, nor even im eflemtial oil of turpentine, unlefs it be
digefted in a. ftrong heat. The varnifh which it makes with;
either is very weak, and of . little ufe. With refpedfc to its
medicinal qualities, Mr. White has found it, in many cafe's*
a good pe&oral medicine* and very halfamic. It m not
obtainable in logreat abundance as the red gum produced by
the Eucalyptus, refinifcra.
The plant which produces the yellow gum. fecms to be
per&dMy unknown taxbotanifts, but Mr. White has eomnmfi
nicated no fpecimens by which its genus or even clafs eoulds
he determined.