
27 th. The Sirius made the. fignal'to-clofe, and - keep
nearer the commanding officer. The * weather rainy and
unfettled,. with ftrong breezes,- and a heavy fwell from the
28th. - Freffi breezes and cloudy weather. >At ten in the
morning the Sirius- made the Supply’s fignal to .come,.within
hail, anddefitfed the commanding officer to; acquaint ; the
“different tranfportsjc-thaf in the track we then werej lat. 18°
9'“S. lohg. 28° 2' W. there' • were fomé funken rocks, for
which we were direéted to ’keep a good look-out.':' Tfiis fignal
waif followed by one, For the {hips to take their proper
ftationt in' the order-of failings and for the Lady Penrhyn,
who was OonfideraBly to windward, -and aftern. withal, to
come iiitö' the wake-of*the Sirius. After thefo órders wér'e
compfied with, we rbore away,, “fleering; S.’ by W. the wind
E; S. *E.- ;
30th. Thè Supply- hailed us, and acquainted’ fney^that a
; Feffialefcomrirtftj bh board the Erineb’of Walesa hiad met with
an accident Whi’ch'endangered ha: ’life. Tt'being then nearly
darki • and thè fliïpë' ‘ making quick" way through the Water,
if was judged imprudent; to hoift a boat out. Lieutenant
Ball, of the Supply, therefore promifed to fend a boat early
in the" morning, in, order tha,t, I. might;go an£,fee her : but .
it was thjen too late1, as ffie died in the'night;: Her death
was occasioned .'By a bqat, which" rolled'frorn^thl^ ^ooms, '
and jammed hep in a moft ffiocking manner againft" the- fide
of the ftdp:
Auguft iff. In latitude." 2*2° 35^§| Captain Phillip for
the firft time difplaydd, h'is i broad peffdarit; andlti the even-2
ing made the fignal for* the longitude 5 - whi,eh,^ being confi-
der ably'aftern, we could not differn; • -
: ad. j-Earl’y in fcftb morningipafted < and fjh>M£- a Portu-
igueze brig fleering-the fame Cqthfe with' us,: whibh'was'' to
the coaffi of Brazil. She failed-1 fo1 Very^'dull, that We -palled
her. as^if/fhe-' lfy^t^anchoFjAalthouglf^ werfhad not^a^faft
Tailing ffiip in the, fleet. A t eight in thd-^mibramg-- fifty a
gSnet, which are ffldom fefen out "of fohhdihgsf^ Being* no w
in sexpefitatidn of. fpon ffeing land, tlie_ commodppe^ made' the
Supply’s .fignal to look out ahead ;l Sn'd the; Alexander’s and
Prince of Wale’sVto- take^theif ftatidrifin order" of failing,,
v being too,.far ahead. _ At three in, the afternoon) the
Supply made the fignahfhr-, feeing1 lapd^; which washepekted
by the qptnmodqr^ to the-ebnyby.-;♦ At nibe at'night, Being
well, in with-Cape Erio,% w^^rpftened fail, running at, an
G 2, | qafy