A P P E N D I X . 289
with two nails';' this is fomewhat fimilar to the Kangaroo,
the two other*tdes 'are, in the common form, thffe four nails
are fharp like thofe on the fore fdjft? This formation hf the
foot ‘iC ^welf'^&'ulated for holding0 arrf1 thing* while it is
moving its bdfly, o/’it$*ffbre foot,%OfO,fiher parts, a property
belongingv^probably);to all aninaal-s who move from the hind
parts; -foehns the Monkey, Mocoek, lyfongoofe, Opoffum,
Parrot, Leech, ,&c.
\«* Its haif ^ very thick and long, ^making a| jyfry^fine fur,
efpeeiaily ©a the’ back- It H; of a dark brown -grey on the
-upper;,part, a ligh't^whijtie^rey .on [thelloWer fide what may
be termed the wing, and white on the under furfape, from
the neck to tl[e'; parts adjacent to the nnusiv